the other day i was cleaning the shower, and had this idea come to me with a vengeance.
i'm getting inspiration from housework! bit sad, little scary too!
in any case, i was scrubbing away at the shower, and thinking i really should get one of those soft scourers to use in there...
but then i though, why don't i make one...

i grabbed out some twine and got to crocheting... i figured by making it myself, i KNOW what it's made of and i know that once i'm done with it, after i've scrubbed it to death... i can compost it!
less waste is always a good thing in my books!

what do you think? would you crochet a scourer?
Such a great idea! I've been crocheting dishcloths but I hadn't thought about twine for a scourer! Love it and can't wait to make one. Got to love inspiration via cleaning.
Sophie x
What a fantastic idea
I've made a lot of the cotton ones for dishcloths; they're great on the kitchen bench so there's no reason why they wouldn't work in the bathroom.
That's a pretty good idea of yours! I love that you can just compost it at the end, that's even better in my books.
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