well hello! after an amazing 4 day weekend, i'm feeling pretty energized for the week ahead.
i figured the best way to capitalise on that bit of energy, would be to get a meal plan happening! yes!

tonight, i'm throwing together
saliccia al forno for the first time, being that i haven't been at work and have a little bit of time to fiddle around in the kitchen. so excellent!
tomorrow night, i'll grab some fish out of the freezer and bake it in the oven along with some chippies! perfect tuesday night dinner, nice and simple.
wednesday night, i'll grab the last of the ravioli out of the freezer and whip up a tomato-ey sauce for another quick and easy dinner.
thursday, i'm working late. old faithful satay chicken in the slow cooker will be the perfect thing to come home to i think.
friday night, bb is hoping to catch up with his brothers and watch the football. i'll bach' it up at home, and whip up one of my faves, spaghetti carbonara. bb's not a fan, so i like to whip it up when i'm home by myself!
for saturday, i'm thinking homemade pizzas! it's been AGES and they're just so easy and SO delicious! plus it will use up some of the bits and pieces that are building up in the fridge. perfection.
and on sunday, i'm hoping to spend a bit of time clearing out, and re-stocking the freezer. we're almost out of our little stockpile of assorted meats, and i'm planning to put together some little packs with protein and all the ingredients for slow cooker meals. that way i can just grab everything out the night before, and throw it in the slow cooker in the morning. if i'm visiting the butcher to stock up the freezer, i might grab a little roast or something for us to have for dinner on sunday. should be delicious!
what are you eating this week? how was your long weekend? have you tried any of
trish's recipes? her blog is a treasure trove of amazing recipes, excellent photography and awesome stories.