as i am want to do, earlier in the year, i made a list of things to-do this year. i thought that on this very last day of the year, i'd have a little revisit and see how i've done...
*warning - word heavy post*
the list
* keep the lawn under control - thanks to the purchase of a very cute little electric mower, this is actually happening. i don't mind doing the lawns anymore and neither does bb. we don't fight over who gets to do it or anything... it's just not quite the task that it was when the whole lot had to be whipper-snipped. and it looks much nicer too :D
* plant out the last of my planter boxes and grow some vegies worth eating. - i took some homegrown peas to my aunty and uncle's for lunch on christmas day. proud as punch!
* try and cook as many homemade dinners as possible in a week (so far i'm 5 for 5 :D) - this went ok. maybe 50-50. ok probably more than 50-50 but still not as great as i'd like... hopefully i'll keep a bit better track next year, more organisation!
* re-organise (and hopefully give a lick of paint to) all the cupboards (wardrobe, linen, crockery) - i managed to get the and the kitchen drawers too. not quite all of the cupboards in the kitchen as i would have liked... but there's always next year :D
* become better friends with my neighbours - i'm getting there with this one. a neighbour that i was getting quite close to, sold up and moved out earlier in the year. i've met the new home-owners, but they don't speak great english, maybe in the new year i can help them learn :D i'm embarrassed to say, that of the 5 units that are in my block, i still don't know the people that live in number 1. maybe i'll get to know them in the new year too, or at least introduce myself...
* make myself some clothes - i bought some patterns, does that count? no? damn.
* have people over for dinner more often - um, yes. this hasn't happened either actually. bad nicole.
* finish some of the unfinished embroidery/crafting projects lying around the house - i sorted them out a little. they now have their own drawer, at least i'll know where to find them when i feel like finishing them i guess...
* empty the "crap" box (not actually full of crap, just things that don't necessarily have homes) - i did start on this earlier in the year, i got it down to about half way. it is now chockers again.
* get a tattoo - nope. still haven't decided on a design that i'm ok with permanently inking on my skin. always thinking though...
* avoid putting on more weight. 58.9 or below this time next year. if i don't lose any, i'm cool with that, i just don't want anymore creeping on... - tick this one off the list. it's been higher through the year, it's been lower through the year, but this morning it was exactly the same.
* get crafty things happening. crafty things that could be put in some kind of online shop - still in thought production stage. i want to get some moo cards made, and some things knitted and crocheted and stitched, the time part is what's lacking...
* organise the paperwork. the boy and i have 4 super funds EACH. this needs to be rectified - one super account each. done and DONE. it took freaking forever but it's done. so much more to do in the new year though...
* read more - i think i read a grand total of 3 books this year. book list fail.
* go on a holiday with the boy, not a big one, just some time away together - done. easiest to-do ever :D
* not get caught up on what i should be doing, live in the moment a little more - this is perhaps the least measurable to-do. i don't think it went great though. i'm still always thinking about what i should be doing, washing, dusting, cleaning the floors, crafting. my brain never stops. i kinda find though that it's kinda like binge eating; the more that i have to do, the less i do. i'm wayyyyy more likely to slob on the couch and play games on my laptop if the house is falling down around my ears, just like i'm more likely to want to eat a massive amount of chocolate if i'm trying to be super good with my diet. i think it's more about the way i think about things... and that's what i should try and change. work in progress definitely.
* graduate - doooooooooone!
* take care of myself a little better - yeah this didn't really happen either. i still ate a whole lot of crap, drank a lot, exercised infrequently at best and got myself super stressed on multiple occasions. this is something i promise myself every year and it kind of seems like a pipe-dream resolution. i think again because it's not measurable. next year i think i'll only have measurable goals ;)
so that's the year's resolutions rehashed.
how'd you do with your resolutions? is there anything you're going to do differently next year?
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
and so that was christmas...
phew! i'm exhausted! how about you?
bb and i managed to get to 4 christmas dinners in just 2 days. 2 lunches, 2 dinners, 2 days, one heck of a lot of food! oh and a fair whack of driving too!
did you get caught in the storm on christmas day? we did a couple of times, once on the way to christmas dinner (thankfully bb's brother was driving in his 4wd, i think our car would've drowned), and then while we were waiting for dinner to be served (thankfully safe inside this time)
there was such lovely weather the next day. i spent lots of time sitting in the sun and hugging babies. boxing day lunch was pretty sweet.
boxing day dinner was quite the affair too, with spit roasted pork (well the whole pig actually...) and a very fun game of kris kringle, where we got the opportunity to steal other people's presents if we liked the look of them more. it turned out the boxes of chocolates we brought with us were a BIG hit.
and what did santa bring you this year? i was very spoilt as bb somehow managed to read my mind. there were two different perfumes wrapped under the tree and a delicious bottle of wine. my parents gifted us with choice, a gift card to spend on what we want!

we also received a truly ridiculous amount of chocolate and bb received a beer making kit from his mum (i'm not sure why, but i'm really excited about this...) and a kindle from his dad (also, quite excited).
overall, we're two very spoilt little kiddos!
did you get spoilt? and spend lots of time with your family?
and generally have a really great, albeit exhausting time??
merry christmas all!!!
bb and i managed to get to 4 christmas dinners in just 2 days. 2 lunches, 2 dinners, 2 days, one heck of a lot of food! oh and a fair whack of driving too!
did you get caught in the storm on christmas day? we did a couple of times, once on the way to christmas dinner (thankfully bb's brother was driving in his 4wd, i think our car would've drowned), and then while we were waiting for dinner to be served (thankfully safe inside this time)
there was such lovely weather the next day. i spent lots of time sitting in the sun and hugging babies. boxing day lunch was pretty sweet.
boxing day dinner was quite the affair too, with spit roasted pork (well the whole pig actually...) and a very fun game of kris kringle, where we got the opportunity to steal other people's presents if we liked the look of them more. it turned out the boxes of chocolates we brought with us were a BIG hit.
and what did santa bring you this year? i was very spoilt as bb somehow managed to read my mind. there were two different perfumes wrapped under the tree and a delicious bottle of wine. my parents gifted us with choice, a gift card to spend on what we want!
we also received a truly ridiculous amount of chocolate and bb received a beer making kit from his mum (i'm not sure why, but i'm really excited about this...) and a kindle from his dad (also, quite excited).
overall, we're two very spoilt little kiddos!
did you get spoilt? and spend lots of time with your family?
and generally have a really great, albeit exhausting time??
merry christmas all!!!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
day 24.
'twas the night before christmas and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
well no stirring from mice here, but bb is baking a ham. his first, well our first really. i've never baked one either. he keeps asking me what to do, not realising i have NO IDEA!

and me? well i'm wrapping presents. i have some done but bb got some last minute shopping done while i was at work today and now there are even more to wrap!
i'm trying really hard to get them all wrapped tonight so that i can have a super relaxing morning tomorrow!

after our super relaxing morning, we're heading off to my aunt and uncles for lunch and then to bb's mums for dinner. need to make sure i go for a biiiiiiig walk between meals i think.
what are your plans for tomorrow?
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
well no stirring from mice here, but bb is baking a ham. his first, well our first really. i've never baked one either. he keeps asking me what to do, not realising i have NO IDEA!

and me? well i'm wrapping presents. i have some done but bb got some last minute shopping done while i was at work today and now there are even more to wrap!
i'm trying really hard to get them all wrapped tonight so that i can have a super relaxing morning tomorrow!
after our super relaxing morning, we're heading off to my aunt and uncles for lunch and then to bb's mums for dinner. need to make sure i go for a biiiiiiig walk between meals i think.
what are your plans for tomorrow?
day 23.
on the 23rd day of christmas, i spent a little bit of time baking.
but after a long day at work, all the baking i could muster was dipping things in melted chocolate...
chocolate coated christmas pudding. i bought a christmas pudding, rolled it up into balls and dipped it into chocolate.

and chocolate bark. i used the left over melted chocolate and threw in some macadamias and mixed berries. i have no idea how it's going to turn out :S

throw into takeaway containers with a few extra bits and pieces and, voila, instant last-minute coworker presents :D

so my christmas organisation has turned into last-minute panic. how are you going with everything?
but after a long day at work, all the baking i could muster was dipping things in melted chocolate...
chocolate coated christmas pudding. i bought a christmas pudding, rolled it up into balls and dipped it into chocolate.

and chocolate bark. i used the left over melted chocolate and threw in some macadamias and mixed berries. i have no idea how it's going to turn out :S

throw into takeaway containers with a few extra bits and pieces and, voila, instant last-minute coworker presents :D

so my christmas organisation has turned into last-minute panic. how are you going with everything?
Friday, December 23, 2011
day 22.
oops. a day behind again, lucky i'm good at playing catch-up!
yesterday, the 22nd, was a pretty massive day. we left home at 9.30 in the morning and didn't get home until after 11 at night! many drinks and many laughs helped along by some beautiful weather :D
i do have something christmassy to show though...

the stockings that i was working on on tuesday are all done (and full to the brim after some very hectic lunch break shopping on tuesday).
i'll be back tomorrow to finish catching up... i am so in denial about tomorrow being christmas eve! are you?
yesterday, the 22nd, was a pretty massive day. we left home at 9.30 in the morning and didn't get home until after 11 at night! many drinks and many laughs helped along by some beautiful weather :D
i do have something christmassy to show though...

the stockings that i was working on on tuesday are all done (and full to the brim after some very hectic lunch break shopping on tuesday).
i'll be back tomorrow to finish catching up... i am so in denial about tomorrow being christmas eve! are you?
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
day 21.
On the 21st day of Christmas, I made some Christmas cards!
Well technically I actually made them last night... I took the photo this morning though, that counts right?

I've put these cards together because the large majority of gifts we've bought this year are vouchers, not handmade gift as I would've liked. This is the compromise I've made with myself due to a ridiculous lack of time (or pre-planning), gift vouchers with a homemade touch :D
How are your Christmas plans coming along?
Well technically I actually made them last night... I took the photo this morning though, that counts right?

I've put these cards together because the large majority of gifts we've bought this year are vouchers, not handmade gift as I would've liked. This is the compromise I've made with myself due to a ridiculous lack of time (or pre-planning), gift vouchers with a homemade touch :D
How are your Christmas plans coming along?
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
day 20.
on the 20th day of christmas, i put the finishing touches on the christmas stockings i mentioned yesterday...

embroidering names and sewing on the hanging strings. i got the stockings cut out and sewn together last night at stitch and yarn. i mayyyyy have been there a bit later than normal...
what did you get up to today?

embroidering names and sewing on the hanging strings. i got the stockings cut out and sewn together last night at stitch and yarn. i mayyyyy have been there a bit later than normal...
what did you get up to today?
Monday, December 19, 2011
day 19.
on the 19th day of christmas, i received my final piece of bunting from rach's bunting swap. i thought the last piece wasn't actually coming seeing as how the swap was aaaaaages ago, but it arrived today, with a postmark of 26/10/11. seriously. step up your game australia post!
anywho, i thought i'd share this little flag with you, oh and the other two that i've received since my last bunting post. i've been soo very slack and haven't shared them yet! bad nicole!!

these one are from (from right to left) leonie, cyndy and yaga. thanks ladies! i love them :D
now that i've received them all, maybe i'll get them all sewn together and in proper bunting formation :D maybe tomorrow even... i've got plans to get my machine out to do some (very last minute) christmas sewing. i've just remembered a promise i made to my brother and bb about a project i was working on last year...
anywho, i thought i'd share this little flag with you, oh and the other two that i've received since my last bunting post. i've been soo very slack and haven't shared them yet! bad nicole!!

these one are from (from right to left) leonie, cyndy and yaga. thanks ladies! i love them :D
now that i've received them all, maybe i'll get them all sewn together and in proper bunting formation :D maybe tomorrow even... i've got plans to get my machine out to do some (very last minute) christmas sewing. i've just remembered a promise i made to my brother and bb about a project i was working on last year...
Sunday, December 18, 2011
day 18 - we have a winner.
a little bit later than i was expecting, but bb surprised me by taking me out for dinner! we went to the local pub and had a yummy meal and watched the cricket. not exactly the most romantic of meals but nice all the same.
now i'd best get to announcing le winner!
because we were out for dinner, i asked bb to pick a number between 1 and 7. he picked number 6, so a big congratulations goes to the lovely pinkpatentmaryjanes!
i'll be sending her an email right away to get her address and pop it in the post.
but first, would you like to see the finished product?

it came off my knitting needles at about 4.15 this afternoon. i then sewed in all the ends and sorted through my inherited button stash for something matching.

so, ta-da! done just in the nick of time!
congratulations again to the lucky winner :D
hope you've all had a fabulous weekend!
now i'd best get to announcing le winner!
because we were out for dinner, i asked bb to pick a number between 1 and 7. he picked number 6, so a big congratulations goes to the lovely pinkpatentmaryjanes!
i'll be sending her an email right away to get her address and pop it in the post.
but first, would you like to see the finished product?

it came off my knitting needles at about 4.15 this afternoon. i then sewed in all the ends and sorted through my inherited button stash for something matching.

so, ta-da! done just in the nick of time!
congratulations again to the lucky winner :D
hope you've all had a fabulous weekend!
day 17 - flea market finds.
so technically this post is from yesterday so probably shouldn't be a flea market find post, but whatever, i live by my own rules!
i also don't think that sophie is running flea market finds today, but as i said, i make my own rules. i will fly solo ha ha!
anywho, onto the find! the other day, while visiting brianna at her new house, we went in search of something yummy to eat and stumbled upon a lovely little op-shop.
i found another frame, for attempt number 2 at hanging vintage tea towel. it again was a complete failure, this time it didn't ever get to the wall. i knelt on the glass and broke it when i was trying to mount it in the frame. suuuuuuuuch a framing failure!
i did however find something lovely and cute in the opshop too!

can you see it??? don't mind my mess of a kitchen. keeping it real with this picture ;)

this little canvas print! cost me a measley $2 and will hopefully assuage my kitchen picture cravings until i can find ANOTHER frame to mount the tea towel in. keep your fingers crossed for me?
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. i'm drawing it today instead! better hop to and enter because this is your last chance!
i also don't think that sophie is running flea market finds today, but as i said, i make my own rules. i will fly solo ha ha!
anywho, onto the find! the other day, while visiting brianna at her new house, we went in search of something yummy to eat and stumbled upon a lovely little op-shop.
i found another frame, for attempt number 2 at hanging vintage tea towel. it again was a complete failure, this time it didn't ever get to the wall. i knelt on the glass and broke it when i was trying to mount it in the frame. suuuuuuuuch a framing failure!
i did however find something lovely and cute in the opshop too!

can you see it??? don't mind my mess of a kitchen. keeping it real with this picture ;)

this little canvas print! cost me a measley $2 and will hopefully assuage my kitchen picture cravings until i can find ANOTHER frame to mount the tea towel in. keep your fingers crossed for me?
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. i'm drawing it today instead! better hop to and enter because this is your last chance!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
day 16.
on the 16th day of christmas, i harvested a little something from my garden!

some onions! this little onion started sprouting in my cupboard. the sprouts looked so healthy that i decided to shove it in one of my planter boxes and boyyyyyyy did it make it happy.
it started to die off a little and not knowing correct onion protocol, i yanked it up!
now i have half a dozen little baby onions :D can't wait to think up something yum to cook with them!
even though the whole advent blogging thing is supposed to be to blog about christmassy type things, i find myself more and more blogging about my gardeny type things. there's just way too much going on in my little backyard oasis to keep to myself!
what's going on in your garden?
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. i'm drawing tit tomorrow instead! better hop to and enter because this is your last chance!

some onions! this little onion started sprouting in my cupboard. the sprouts looked so healthy that i decided to shove it in one of my planter boxes and boyyyyyyy did it make it happy.
it started to die off a little and not knowing correct onion protocol, i yanked it up!
now i have half a dozen little baby onions :D can't wait to think up something yum to cook with them!
even though the whole advent blogging thing is supposed to be to blog about christmassy type things, i find myself more and more blogging about my gardeny type things. there's just way too much going on in my little backyard oasis to keep to myself!
what's going on in your garden?
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. i'm drawing tit tomorrow instead! better hop to and enter because this is your last chance!
day 15.
on the 15th day of christmas, i, once again, didn't get up to many christmassy shenanigans...
i did however send off some hearts to open drawer.

they're raising funds for the margaret pratt foundation by yarn bombing a tree with many, many hearts! read about it here. the yarn bombing is happening today so get down there! unless of course you're stuck at work like me :(
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. i'm drawing tit tomorrow instead! better hop to and enter because this is your last chance!
i did however send off some hearts to open drawer.

they're raising funds for the margaret pratt foundation by yarn bombing a tree with many, many hearts! read about it here. the yarn bombing is happening today so get down there! unless of course you're stuck at work like me :(
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. i'm drawing tit tomorrow instead! better hop to and enter because this is your last chance!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
day 14.
on the 14th day of christmas, i received a lovely christmas gift, and my first christmas card!

i love this beautiful ceramic ring. this lady knows that i love me a peacock. i'm so lucky!
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. still time to join in :D

i love this beautiful ceramic ring. this lady knows that i love me a peacock. i'm so lucky!
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. still time to join in :D
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
day 13.
on the 13th day of christmas, again, not too much christmassy action happening here. work and then tutoring and then cooking dinner and getting some chores done. oh and making some more discoveries in the back yard...

i've got snowpeas growing! i think there's also some peas and one lonely bean too! all very exciting.
now i just have to make sure they get onto our plates before they are munched up by the possums. they've already gotten all but one of my passionfruits! bastards! i've put a paper bag around my sole surviving passionfruit in the hope that it'll still ripen up for me :D
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. still time to join in :D

i've got snowpeas growing! i think there's also some peas and one lonely bean too! all very exciting.
now i just have to make sure they get onto our plates before they are munched up by the possums. they've already gotten all but one of my passionfruits! bastards! i've put a paper bag around my sole surviving passionfruit in the hope that it'll still ripen up for me :D
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. still time to join in :D
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
day 12.
i thought i'd share another of our christmas decorations today. or multiples of them...
bb and i bought these little tinsel trees just after we moved in together, in the post christmas sales.

i'm pretty sure we payed something ridiculous for them, like 50 cents a piece, but they're the perfect way of spreading some sparkly christmas goodness throughout our whole house!
this year they've taken up residence on the dining table, the bathroom shelf, the hallway table and our bed head.
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. still time to join in :D
bb and i bought these little tinsel trees just after we moved in together, in the post christmas sales.

i'm pretty sure we payed something ridiculous for them, like 50 cents a piece, but they're the perfect way of spreading some sparkly christmas goodness throughout our whole house!
this year they've taken up residence on the dining table, the bathroom shelf, the hallway table and our bed head.
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. still time to join in :D
day 11.
after a busy day at work and reading about curlypops getting a parcel delivery on twitter ON A SUNDAY, i checked my own mail box and low and behold, a parcel for me too! posties must've been doing a special sunday delivery to deal with excess mail over christmas i guess...
but back to the parcel!
i opened it up to find my kris kringle swap! so exciting!
inside the package from maya was a beautifully handpainted box,

wrapped in some very sweet ribbon.
and inside...

some very lovely fridge magnets (they didn't stay in the box for long, they're already on the fridge!) and some equally lovely, covered hair ties.
very nice to come home to that on a sunday afternoon :D thanks maya!
i forgot to share the item that i sent too, which i can do now as i know my partner has received it safely :D
i crocheted a little frame, embroidered a circle to fit in the middle and then stitched it in. lots of different crafting mediums to keep my fingers busy!

thanks to jodie for organising the swap! i'll definitely be joining in again next year :D
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. still time to join in :D
but back to the parcel!
i opened it up to find my kris kringle swap! so exciting!
inside the package from maya was a beautifully handpainted box,

wrapped in some very sweet ribbon.
and inside...

some very lovely fridge magnets (they didn't stay in the box for long, they're already on the fridge!) and some equally lovely, covered hair ties.
very nice to come home to that on a sunday afternoon :D thanks maya!
i forgot to share the item that i sent too, which i can do now as i know my partner has received it safely :D
i crocheted a little frame, embroidered a circle to fit in the middle and then stitched it in. lots of different crafting mediums to keep my fingers busy!
thanks to jodie for organising the swap! i'll definitely be joining in again next year :D
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. still time to join in :D
Monday, December 12, 2011
day 10.
on the 10th day of christmas, i finally downloaded instagram on my phone! i was having a good old think of things i wanted to get done while i was walking to work and figured getting onto instagram was definitely something i could do then and there!
these are a couple of pictures i've taken and posted...

feel free to follow me if you're already on instagram, or join up too if you're not! it's a bit of fun :D
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. still time to join in :D
these are a couple of pictures i've taken and posted...

feel free to follow me if you're already on instagram, or join up too if you're not! it's a bit of fun :D
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i also extended the deadline because i mayyy have forgotten to draw it on sunday. still time to join in :D
day 9 - catching up.
oh hello, goodbye weekend. wasn't it over in a flash! oh and little to no blogging on my behalf! slack, slack, slack!!
i've also been slack on the giveaway front! i was supposed to draw it last night at 6 and completely forgot!! i think i might extend it til next sunday, same time, same place ok? i'll set myself a phone reminder so i won't forget again!
anywho, the 9th day of christmas! i was recovering from my morning of pampering...
and also heading to work.
not a lot of christmassy type stuff happening so i thought i'd show you my violet!

this little beauty has moved with us on our last house move and has just gone from strength to strength.
it was flowering when i bought it, reduced to less than a dollar at k-mart if my memory serves me correctly, and since taking up residence on the kitchen table, has been in flower continuously for what seems an age!
it got some more room to grow here and seems to be loving it :D
do you have any special plants that have a story? i'd love to hear!
also, don't forget to enter my giveaway!
i've also been slack on the giveaway front! i was supposed to draw it last night at 6 and completely forgot!! i think i might extend it til next sunday, same time, same place ok? i'll set myself a phone reminder so i won't forget again!
anywho, the 9th day of christmas! i was recovering from my morning of pampering...
and also heading to work.
not a lot of christmassy type stuff happening so i thought i'd show you my violet!

this little beauty has moved with us on our last house move and has just gone from strength to strength.
it was flowering when i bought it, reduced to less than a dollar at k-mart if my memory serves me correctly, and since taking up residence on the kitchen table, has been in flower continuously for what seems an age!
it got some more room to grow here and seems to be loving it :D
do you have any special plants that have a story? i'd love to hear!
also, don't forget to enter my giveaway!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
day 8.
today has been a pretty rad day! my lovely bb set me up for a blissful morning of luxury.
he got me a lovely bath bomb and instructed me to have a good old soak when i woke up, after he'd left for work.

he'd then booked me in for a deep tissue massage in the city. the whole getting my kit off in front of a total stranger was tres weird but i'll feel better for the rub down in the long run :D

we then met up for lunch! bb was able to take a bit of a longer lunch break than normal which was lovely. we headed to one of our favourite places to eat, cookie.
yummy pork belly in red curry and a duck salad. oh and a pimms :D

the view was pretty nice too. lunch with a view, with nice company and amazing food. best.

i then headed home while bb finished work and we spent some nice relaxing time together when he got home.
all in all a pretty great day :D
what did you get up to today?
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
he got me a lovely bath bomb and instructed me to have a good old soak when i woke up, after he'd left for work.

he'd then booked me in for a deep tissue massage in the city. the whole getting my kit off in front of a total stranger was tres weird but i'll feel better for the rub down in the long run :D

we then met up for lunch! bb was able to take a bit of a longer lunch break than normal which was lovely. we headed to one of our favourite places to eat, cookie.
yummy pork belly in red curry and a duck salad. oh and a pimms :D

the view was pretty nice too. lunch with a view, with nice company and amazing food. best.

i then headed home while bb finished work and we spent some nice relaxing time together when he got home.
all in all a pretty great day :D
what did you get up to today?
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
day 7.
everyday, i seem to be more and more surprised by just how lush my little green patch out the back is getting!
i think it may have a large amount to do with the hose that i bought for out there (filling up a watering can takes forever when the water pressure is so terrible!), but there's a lot to be said for giving yourself the time and space to get the green things done.
i discovered the first passionfruit to grown on my vine and upon inspection last night, there's actually a fair few on there!

my herb crop has also gone a bit crazy! i spent some time last night trimming the rosemary, oregano and thyme back and even took some to ncb to share! there are really only so many herbs two people can eat!

i also spent some time last night cutting back all of my coriander. it had all gone to seed so i now have a big bunch drying in my garage. when it's all dry in a couple of weeks, i'll get the coriander seeds replanted! huzzah!
i also discovered that the little lemongrass plant (that i thought had drowned over winter) is starting to green up! double huzzah!
now i think i need to go and buy myself a hose for my front yard too, it's starting to look a little barren with all this hot weather!
i'll be back later to post all about my day today, bb and i are celebrating 7 years! <3
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i think it may have a large amount to do with the hose that i bought for out there (filling up a watering can takes forever when the water pressure is so terrible!), but there's a lot to be said for giving yourself the time and space to get the green things done.
i discovered the first passionfruit to grown on my vine and upon inspection last night, there's actually a fair few on there!

my herb crop has also gone a bit crazy! i spent some time last night trimming the rosemary, oregano and thyme back and even took some to ncb to share! there are really only so many herbs two people can eat!

i also spent some time last night cutting back all of my coriander. it had all gone to seed so i now have a big bunch drying in my garage. when it's all dry in a couple of weeks, i'll get the coriander seeds replanted! huzzah!
i also discovered that the little lemongrass plant (that i thought had drowned over winter) is starting to green up! double huzzah!
now i think i need to go and buy myself a hose for my front yard too, it's starting to look a little barren with all this hot weather!
i'll be back later to post all about my day today, bb and i are celebrating 7 years! <3
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
day 6.
today, i started on getting everything into the frames i found yesterday. i even hung this one on the wall!

unfortunately, it didn't stay on the wall for very long. gah silly sticky hooks! one day i will own a house where i can put real hooks in the wall when and where i want to! one day...

and that 'find' i mentioned earlier...

this awesome lampshade! i drove past it three times, and convinced myself i didn't need it.
that was until this lady posted this photo! then i knew i had to pick it up!
so i have big plans for this one. but not until i finish some other projects i have on the go! focus nicole, focus!
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
unfortunately, it didn't stay on the wall for very long. gah silly sticky hooks! one day i will own a house where i can put real hooks in the wall when and where i want to! one day...
and that 'find' i mentioned earlier...
this awesome lampshade! i drove past it three times, and convinced myself i didn't need it.
that was until this lady posted this photo! then i knew i had to pick it up!
so i have big plans for this one. but not until i finish some other projects i have on the go! focus nicole, focus!
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
day 5.
late again, late again! but after posting so late last night, i thought i'd wait until the morning for another post!
i thought i'd share some shopping that i got done yesterday.

these are (hopefully) the last of the frames i need to frame up everything for my much talked about hanging feature wall above bb and my bed.
if i get the picture in these frames today, they might get hung some time before the end of the year! shock and horror!
i did actually pick up something else yesterday too. and by pick up i mean pick up from the side of the road...
i think i'll share it a bit later though ;) stay tuned!
also,have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i thought i'd share some shopping that i got done yesterday.
these are (hopefully) the last of the frames i need to frame up everything for my much talked about hanging feature wall above bb and my bed.
if i get the picture in these frames today, they might get hung some time before the end of the year! shock and horror!
i did actually pick up something else yesterday too. and by pick up i mean pick up from the side of the road...
i think i'll share it a bit later though ;) stay tuned!
also,have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
Monday, December 5, 2011
day 4.
please excuse my lack of blogging yesterday. i was a little, under the weather... ahem. moving on...
i thought i'd share some of my favourite christmas ornaments, ones that have a story ;)

this one was one of the first ornaments bb and i bought to go on our tree. from an op-shop. we were poor students after all!
in fact, we didn't even have a tree when we bought this one, we had a dress mannequin, in a very pretty green dress!

this was an ornament that i was taught to make by a very lovely lady at a market where we were both selling items. i was selling jewellery and she was selling handmade christmas ornaments. i can't for the life of me remember how to make them as it was about a zillion years ago, but it's pretty and memorable none the less.

this was another handmade number. i guess the first i'd made that i'd be still happy to have on my tree. so simple but so pretty!

and this is the newest addition to my tree, from the lovely and thoughtful yvette!
what are your favourite ornaments?
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
i thought i'd share some of my favourite christmas ornaments, ones that have a story ;)
this one was one of the first ornaments bb and i bought to go on our tree. from an op-shop. we were poor students after all!
in fact, we didn't even have a tree when we bought this one, we had a dress mannequin, in a very pretty green dress!
this was an ornament that i was taught to make by a very lovely lady at a market where we were both selling items. i was selling jewellery and she was selling handmade christmas ornaments. i can't for the life of me remember how to make them as it was about a zillion years ago, but it's pretty and memorable none the less.
this was another handmade number. i guess the first i'd made that i'd be still happy to have on my tree. so simple but so pretty!
and this is the newest addition to my tree, from the lovely and thoughtful yvette!
what are your favourite ornaments?
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
day 3.
on the 3rd day of december...

we finally put up our tree!!!
i'd been waiting for bb and i to have time together to get it up and today it happened.
happy days :D
heading off (hopefully soon) to a lovely ladies engagement party. just waiting for a ride...
have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
we finally put up our tree!!!
i'd been waiting for bb and i to have time together to get it up and today it happened.
happy days :D
heading off (hopefully soon) to a lovely ladies engagement party. just waiting for a ride...
have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
day 2.
on the 2nd day of christmas (or december even...) i managed to get a couple of decorations up.
our cheap and cheerful wreath. it lives on our front wire door and means we can't open our front door 100% and i spend the entire month sweeping glitter off the front porch. luckily i like glitter :D

and this little tiny house. i won it in a giveaway at the end of last year but it didn't arrive until after christmas. this clever lass put it together and it is just the cutest!
the cute little figurine is from this lovely lady and was hidden in this post.

i also used a gift voucher i had and got some false eyelashes applied. verrrrrrry interesting experience that's for sure.

i like how they tuned out but not sure i like the process of them being applied. having to sit still with my eyes shut for an hour + is not really my cup of tea...
have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
our cheap and cheerful wreath. it lives on our front wire door and means we can't open our front door 100% and i spend the entire month sweeping glitter off the front porch. luckily i like glitter :D
and this little tiny house. i won it in a giveaway at the end of last year but it didn't arrive until after christmas. this clever lass put it together and it is just the cutest!
the cute little figurine is from this lovely lady and was hidden in this post.
i also used a gift voucher i had and got some false eyelashes applied. verrrrrrry interesting experience that's for sure.

i like how they tuned out but not sure i like the process of them being applied. having to sit still with my eyes shut for an hour + is not really my cup of tea...
have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
beauty regime,
crafty times,
idle thoughts
Friday, December 2, 2011
today's the 2nd of december which means there are not many days at all until christmas, and then only a few more until it's 2012. is that freaking anyone else out??
after some serious thought yesterday, i've decided to play along with car in her advent blogalong. i'm liking this daily blogger caper :D even i i am officially already a day behind...

so what did i do on the first of december? i worked, and so did bb, no time for christmas tree decorating on our front. i did however manage to buy advent calendars for us both.
mine was this horrible commercialised freddo one. one year i would loooooove to have an awesome home-made advent calendar like cathie's or vic, but for this year, when i'm feeling beyond time-poor, freddo will do me just fine ;)
i'll be back tomorrow with post number two, and maybe even three but in the mean time, what are your plans for december?
reviewing my november plans, i think i almost got everything done...

except for the slow knitting project that is, that one is still on the go. in fact, you've even seen it now. and it's actually up for grabs! lyndel made her decision based on my (terrible) photos and has picked the granny square cushion.
pop over here to enter the draw to win :D
now december, i think my main goal is to make it out alive :| christmas is always one of those tricky times, but most of the time it just does my head in!
what are your plans for december?
after some serious thought yesterday, i've decided to play along with car in her advent blogalong. i'm liking this daily blogger caper :D even i i am officially already a day behind...
so what did i do on the first of december? i worked, and so did bb, no time for christmas tree decorating on our front. i did however manage to buy advent calendars for us both.
mine was this horrible commercialised freddo one. one year i would loooooove to have an awesome home-made advent calendar like cathie's or vic, but for this year, when i'm feeling beyond time-poor, freddo will do me just fine ;)
i'll be back tomorrow with post number two, and maybe even three but in the mean time, what are your plans for december?
reviewing my november plans, i think i almost got everything done...
except for the slow knitting project that is, that one is still on the go. in fact, you've even seen it now. and it's actually up for grabs! lyndel made her decision based on my (terrible) photos and has picked the granny square cushion.
pop over here to enter the draw to win :D
now december, i think my main goal is to make it out alive :| christmas is always one of those tricky times, but most of the time it just does my head in!
what are your plans for december?
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