each day has a theme which i think will inspire me a bunch! my mind is already ticking over with lots of ideas.
now, the month that was, october. i don't really feel i got much achieved at all! i've got some crafty things ticking over, but nothing of note finished. the garage looks like a bomb site and i only had one or two quite pitiful attempts at decobwebbing the outside of the house, it's still looking as shabby as ever!
never fear though, this is a new month! full of time and promise :D
this month i've got a few crafty things to do, a kris kringle present to make for ncb, another to make for the haby goddess swap and i should probably get started on some other presents :D
i've also got a softie on the go and a very slooooooooooowww knitting project i'm hoping to get finished.

and i'll leave you with this self portrait, the theme of day 1 of 30 days hath november. i call it 'dirty hair'
off to wash it now and i'll be back later with 3 inspiring quotes :D
what are your plans for the month?

Well Nicole, I think you have the nicest dirty hair I've ever seen;)
Look fwd to checking up on you throughout November.
Hah, your hair = totally gorgeous. I wish mine looked that pretty when dirty. ;)
Oh man, my November planning is OFF THE CHART. So much going on - but it's filling my heart with love!
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