well, well, well... not surprisingly, it's been an age since i last took you on a stroll through the greenery round these parts... needless to say, there's a fair bit more going on than
last time he he.
anywho, on with the showing and telling!

the broad beans have been doing their thing, and we've gotten quite the pickings from them... lots eaten for dinners and lunches, and quite a few going into the freezer too!
will enjoy those once the very short broad bean season is over.
the garlic is looking rather splendid.

won't be long before that's up and out of the ground, drying out and ready to keep us stocked up for the year ahead. have missed having it on hand the last month or so!
must remember to preserve some for the couple of months we'll be without.
the carrots haven't taken so well unfortunately...

a couple of years ago, i had such luck with a fantastic carrot crop, but haven't been able to replicate it since... will keep trying though... love being able to go out and pick carrots as needed!
the snow peas have been quite generous this year...

they're just THE perfect snack. as well as the sugar snap peas we grew alongside them... delicious!
i managed to grow a single perfect cauliflower.

just one, from the half a dozen plants i put in...
not too worried, as i'm not actually the biggest fan of the cauliflower he he. was fun to try though!
feeling a little disappointed with the fruit trees this year to be honest... so much gorgeous blossom, but not a lot of fruit!

well a little fruit as you can see above, but not the masses that we were lucky enough to have set last year...
it's all in the weather though, and i think we got some truly rotten stuff just as the bees were needed to do their thing...
oh well, better luck next year!
my next garden update mightn't be for a while, but it should be of a quite different space, stay tuned!
what are you growing at your place at the moment?