i think it may have a large amount to do with the hose that i bought for out there (filling up a watering can takes forever when the water pressure is so terrible!), but there's a lot to be said for giving yourself the time and space to get the green things done.
i discovered the first passionfruit to grown on my vine and upon inspection last night, there's actually a fair few on there!

my herb crop has also gone a bit crazy! i spent some time last night trimming the rosemary, oregano and thyme back and even took some to ncb to share! there are really only so many herbs two people can eat!

i also spent some time last night cutting back all of my coriander. it had all gone to seed so i now have a big bunch drying in my garage. when it's all dry in a couple of weeks, i'll get the coriander seeds replanted! huzzah!
i also discovered that the little lemongrass plant (that i thought had drowned over winter) is starting to green up! double huzzah!
now i think i need to go and buy myself a hose for my front yard too, it's starting to look a little barren with all this hot weather!
i'll be back later to post all about my day today, bb and i are celebrating 7 years! <3
also, have you entered my giveaway yet? you could win a very nice hand-knitted cushion! all you have to do is leave a comment on that post! easy as pie!
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