not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
well no stirring from mice here, but bb is baking a ham. his first, well our first really. i've never baked one either. he keeps asking me what to do, not realising i have NO IDEA!

and me? well i'm wrapping presents. i have some done but bb got some last minute shopping done while i was at work today and now there are even more to wrap!
i'm trying really hard to get them all wrapped tonight so that i can have a super relaxing morning tomorrow!
after our super relaxing morning, we're heading off to my aunt and uncles for lunch and then to bb's mums for dinner. need to make sure i go for a biiiiiiig walk between meals i think.
what are your plans for tomorrow?
1 comment:
Lol, love the concentration on your BB's face and love the choices of beverage for consumption and gifts - Jameson and Glenfiddich. He's got a bit of class - no beer and Bundy like most Aussie males - not that I'm biased though because Jameson and Glenfiddich are my favourites ;P!
Hope the baked ham was a success :).
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