let's see shall we?

tonight, i'll whip up a couple of batches of soup. i had the oven on yesterday to make breakfast, and threw some teeny butternut pumpkins, and some leeks in to roast while it was on. potato and leek AND pumpkin soup will be stocking the freezer!
tomorrow night, carbonara! one of bb's least favourite meals. i'll bump up the health factor with a big salad of backyard rocket, and wholegrain pasta. should still be delish!
wednesday night is ncb night. hopefully i'll be meeting up with some lovely crafty folks for some scrummy food and chatter.
thursday night, i'll grab some sausages out of the freezer and whip up some meatballs. simple.
friday, i'm heading off on a country adventure for an annual girls weekend away. i'm sure there'll be a whole lotta delicious food happening, but seeing as how i'm in charge of breakfasts, i have no clue what it'll be. blissful!
on my return on sunday, i think i'll pick up a chicken on my way home. roast chicken will be a perfect sunday dinner!
what are you eating this week? what's your favourite sunday dinner?
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