this week, i want to try really hard to use up some stuff that's in the freezer... on the nights i'll actually be home that is!

tonight, bb and i are reinstating date night! i'll head into the city after work and meet up with him to find somewhere yummy to eat together.
tomorrow night, i'll heat up some bolognaise sauce from the freezer and pair it with a whole load of steamed veggies, as well as a wee bit of pasta. quick and easy dinner so i'll have more time for knitting!
wednesday night is ncb night! i can't wait as we've skipped the last few due to lack of numbers. i miss my crafty ladies!
thursday night, i'm heading into town again! this time for a book launch for an awesome lad.
friday night, i'll be working late. i think i'll grab some beef ribs out of the freezer and whack them in the slow cooker with some beer to slow braise. perfect to come home to after work.
saturday, i'll be roadtripping out west for a crafty housewarming party. i might grab some chicken out of the freezer and bb can whip up a curry.
and finally sunday, i'll be working! i might grab some mince out of the freezer, and make up some burgers. bb can physically cook them, while i relax after work ha ha.
gosh it's a busy week ahead! fingers crossed i can keep to this plan and clear out some space in the freezer!
what are you eating this week? do you keep much in your freezer?
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