the first is the among the first blogs i ever read. brianna introduced me to this blog, and the world of blogging in general actually.

lucy of attic24 is a crocheting genius and her posts are always full of colour and beautifully happy words.
the second is a blog i stumbled upon thanks to the massive and friendly network of australian bloggers that exists.
kate of fox's lane blogs about her life, her kids, the organic farm she and her hubby own and run, her family, her community, her crafty exploits and most recently, her family's trip around australia in a caravan. bb keeps hearing about their amazing trip and i'm ever so slowly convincing him we need a caravan...
the third is a blog i came across after i was linked to a tutorial by (brianna again i'm pretty sure, she lets me know all the cool things on the internets!)
lisa is an absolute whizz with yarn and almost all associated crafts. she also takes very beautiful photographs and knows how to make them look even more amazing using the photoshop contraption. i always feel so inspired after reading through her posts. she's also the one that pointed me in the direction of 30 days hath november.
lots of good reads in that list there!!
now i'm off to drink a cider and get started on some kris kringle presents! alcohol always makes me crochet faster ;)
what are your some of your favourite blogs?
1 comment:
Thank you for including me in the list. :)
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