i watched every episode of the series AND bought the book.
i am a tragic!
anywho... getting back to the bombs of flavour...
the idea is, that instead of letting leftover fresh herbs and the like go bad, you chuck them into an ice-cube tray, with some oil or water or something, to help preserve them. but to also keep them nice and handy to infuse flavour into whatever you're cooking!
the above is leftover coriander (from this salad, cooked earlier in the week) under peanut oil!
i figure that should give a nice kickstart to a curry or something!
and below, is a little brainwave i came up with the other night!
leftover fresh mint, chopped, and covered in lime juice!
pop a couple of these babies in a glass with some soda water, and your tipple of choice (white rum, vodka, even gin if you wanted!). or not, if you're not a drinker.
they'd make any drink nice and refreshing i think!
are you a fan of jamie too? what do you do with your leftover herbs?
Such a good idea! Especially the mint and lime juice ice cubes! Mmm!
brilliant! so doing this with my leftovers or surplus :)
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