while i prepared the vegies for the roast, i also prepared some vegies for a pot of stock, and as soon as that carcass was meat-free, it was in the pot simmering away!
i also managed to throw together some salads for lunches for the week, and they'll go perfectly with the leftover roast chicken!
tonight, with the chicken stock i made last night, i'll whip up some risotto. leftover chicken breast, lots of parmesan and some peas from the freezer. should be perfect!
tomorrow night, i'm going to try jamie's chicken and spinach cannelloni, but with pork instead of chicken. i wanted to try it a couple of weeks ago, but never quite got around to it! tonight's the night!
wednesday is ncb night! i'll be eating there and bb can whip himself up something!
thursday night, i might throw together some meatballs. haven't had them in ages!
friday night, i'll be working late. satay chicken in the slow cooker should be the perfect thing for bb and i to come home to!
saturday, i want to cook this! i think bb will HATE it, but it sounds perfect to me!
i also think i might roast or pan fry some chickpeas to go on top. texture baby!
sunday night, i'm heading out for a co-worker's farewell dinner. chinese, can't wait!
most of the meals for this week are sourced from our freezer or pantry. trying to clear it out at the moment... it's hard work ha ha!
what are you eating this week? how do you go cooking from your freezer?
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