Wednesday, May 14, 2014

green love.

yesterday, one of the jobs on my to-do list was to get out and do some gardening.
awesome right? the main things that needed doing was weed-pulling, but while i was out there, i got a couple of other things done too!

i admired the growth of my oregano, which i gave a haircut way back in march.
it's really flourishing after being cut back which i'm super happy about!

i'm also super happy with the growth on this guy...

i'll be climbing this bean stalk in no time ha ha!

oohparently, may is the time of year to cut back asparagus ferns...

so that's all done!

i also ripped out the tomato vines i posted about last week, and popped some broad bean seeds in there too! hopefully they'll be popping up in no time...

another of the jobs i had on the list, was to trim back my hibiscus.

and it was absolutely covered in these guys, little ladybirds, eating away at all of the aphids. love it!

i also got to replanting some of the onions, there's now quite a few living in my biggest planter box, as well as a couple in a few random pots...
and i pulled up some errant raspberry canes too, they're popping up all over the place! i popped them into a separate pot, so all going well, i should be able to share with friends.

what's growing in your space at the moment?


kgirlknits said...

busy gardening day! Perfect weather for it this week too, just enough sunshine :)

Rachelle said...

I didn't know that about the asparagus ferns; better cut mine back too! Might wait for some sunshine though, my hands are too cold for cutting wet ferns.