so without further ado, the winner of the first prize (big box of craft goodies including but not limited to: buttons, beads, paper embellishments, ribbons, wool, fastenings & embroidery thread) is....

i decided to have a second (minor) prize as well, because i had so many entrants aaaaaand because so many people commented saying that they loved the little pink box (i only meant the little pink box to be a prop because i really wanted to have a hundred-post giveaway but was HORRIBLY unorganised due to it being the last day of my uni degree/laziness).
so the winner of the second prize (little teeny box of craft goodies including but not limited to: buttons, beads, paper embellishments, ribbon, wool & fastenings) is.........

congratulations to you both and i'll be trying to get in contact with you to get your mailing address to send off your goodies!
i would really like to thank absolutely everyone who entered, i loved reading through all your comments and fully intend (once these horrible, dreadful, dreary exams are over and done with) to come and visit all your blogs and return the comment-y blog love!!!
on another note... i just noticed i'm nearly at 50 followers, i think when that happens, i might have another little giveaway, follower appreciation style. what do you think?
in the mean time, there's tonnes more giveaways you can enter over at curlypops' blog!
I am thrilled and surprised to find your announcement! THANK YOU! what a treat to wake up to :)
have a blessed day !
i made it 45 followers :)
thx for your invite !
Thanks Nicole. It's great fun to make Blogtoberfest happen. I'm really glad you're enjoying it. I couldn't do it without the fabulous CurlyPops.
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