a few pictures, and some words, summing up the week that just was.
tuesday, i had some rhubarb on my chopping board.
i cooked it up with some red wine and a few spices and it's now sitting in a jar in the fridge, ready to be spooned over steaming hot porridge during the week. yum!
a little pair of booties.
the commission order i was working on, all done and dusted and delivered!
pretty stoked with how they turned out, now just need to sketch down the pattern before it flits out of my brain!
this week's vegie box!
picked up yesterday and chock full of delicious goodies! am loving the amazing work these guys do!
and to supplement all of the above delights...
my own little rocket patch! i got to picking this the other night, thinking it was a big ol' patch of spinach... a closer look, and a taste test later, and i quickly realised it was ALL rocket! definitely not a bad thing and it gave the pesto i was making a bit more zing ha ha!
i was a bit cheeky when i headed down to the farm during the week, hijacking mum's oven.
totally worth it though, i had missed fresh crusty sourdough SO much! can not wait to get my oven back up to scratch (note to self: chase up with electrician tomorrow!)
this guy.

chasing sunbeams, on the one patch of bed sheet he could get to.
cutie pie.
and another look at those little birdies from last week.

so so SO adorable!
what have you been up to this week? care to share some snippets too?
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