although i feel that we definitely needed a lazy day, i'm also now feeling that there's heaps to be done, so i think it's best to come out swinging with a new meal plan for the week!
tonight, i'll pop the chicken in the oven that i'd intended to cook last night. i'll put it in the moment i get home from work which will hopefully mean that we eat at a decent hour. fingers crossed!
tomorrow night, i've got ballet, so i'm hoping bb will be able to pull a risotto together. i'm intending to throw the chicken carcass and some vegies in the slow cooker tonight after dinner, to wake up to a delicious stock for the risotto tomorrow. fingers crossed for that one too!
wednesday, i'm off to ncb. bb can fend for himself, and i'll grab something while i'm there.
thursday night, i'm working late. i'll grab some sausages out of the freezer, and give bb some instructions on how to cook meatballs. they're super easy so hopefully he does ok!
friday night, i'm off to finders keepers after work! catching up with lots of lovely crafty business peeps AND maybe grabbing something delicious for dinner on the way home. sounds amazing!
saturday night, i'll leave bb in charge of choosing what to have for dinner as i'm working. he'll be cooking a lot this week huh?
and sunday, i'm hoping to have a not-so-lazy day. hopefully get some cooking done to prepare for the week ahead... though looking at the week i've got planned, it might need another lazy sunday ha ha!
do you ever have lazy days? what are you eating this week?
1 comment:
I always have great intentions for "cooking for the freezer" days but usually by the weekend I've fallen into a crumpled heap thanks to a very busy work week! Love the sound of slow cooks chicken stock I must say ...
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