i've got a massive case of the guilts on at the moment because i didn't even come CLOSE to getting through my list of february goals!
i mean, i ate breakfast most days, and took my lunch to work mostly too! but everything else on that list... bum bum.
bb's jumper is ALMOST finished, i've just got to weave in ends and sew the collar down
here he is wearing it last night. with his pyjama pants on too! AND washing the dishes. be still my beating heart!
i've ran out of wool for the bamcal blankie, and can't justify ordering just one ball of wool...
i didn't get to visiting my grandma this month (the day i had planned to go, i couldn't get onto her AND sampson destroyed my laptop!) nor did i get 2 assignments done (no computer = no homework).
i started out strong on the #hairstyleaday front, but ran out of steam towards the end. check them all out over on instagram using the #hairstyleaday hashtag!
I managed to get a bit of stuff happening in the garden over the month too, but i'll share that another day ;)
and now, for march...
not too many plans this month... i'm still recovering from february ha! i've also got an interstate work trip at the end of the month for OVER a week. that'll take up a fairly large portion on my month, but it'll be a good break to catch up on beanie knitting and assignment writing :D
what are your plans for march? or are you just reeling over the speed of february like me?
I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that February was EVEN HERE! Gah. Every wheel fell off, and I then tripped over those fallen wheels. But I'm getting back on track now. Fingers crossed.
Love the jarmies Nicole. And love the pic of your Mr modelling them too. And washing the dishes at that! A keeper, yes!
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