the lovely lisa has put her needles and brain to making another fabulous pattern in "honey" a beanie with a very sweet, vintage inspired beanie pattern.
i've had a few struggles with this one... the first time i cast it on, i cast on 92 stitches instead of 96. and then after deciding to just fudge the pattern, i managed to misread the pattern and only did one row of something i was supposed to do three of!
proof you should definitely not knit something new when you're dead on your feet!
the other issue i've had with this beanie, is my choice of yarn i was so keen to get going on this pattern, that i grabbed the first ball i could find, which i unfortunately only had one ball of...
i had a bit of a think while i was knitting away, and remembered that i bought this yarn from spotlight, a good year ago.
chances of finding it again today in my tiny (and generally useless) local spotlight?
close, but no.
so has anyone got this yarn in their stash? i'd love to finish this beanie and will gladly swap some stash yarn, or make you something sweet :D
in the meantime...
i mayyyy have found something to knit with in the meantime... i've got a beanie planned for a co-worker who is celebrating a birthday soon, and one for my mum too. sshhhhhh! don't tell them though!
pop over here to look at some more creative spaces.
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