i do like to finish things, especially when i've been working on a certain things for nearly seven months!
but it's done, brianna's hexie blanket is finally complete!
the pattern was from here though i changed it a LOT! when i made it exactly the same as the pattern the hexagons wouldn't sit anywhere near flat. not sure if i was using the wrong wool or the wrong needle or just reading the silly thing completely wrong.
i like the way they all turned out though :D
i joined them as i went, using double crochet. brianna and i debated for a fair while about this but again, i'm quite fond of the way it turned out :D
13 colours. 31 balls of wool. 182 hexagons.
all done!
now i have to *sob* pass it over to brianna, it is hers after all. i'll definitely be sad to see it go though...

now to get back to this ol' thing...
Wow, what a great friend! That is just gorgeous Nicole - you should be very proud.
It's absolutely gorgeous! Such a beautiful gift too... I don't know if I could have given it away after all that work.
glad i could be there to see the magic moment! well done lovely!
Gosh your hexie blanket is soooo beautiful, I love it!!!!!
Lovely visiting with you ♥
Just curling up under it now! Thank you so much Nicole, it is beautiful and I love it sooooooooo much!
wow that looks fabulous. i love the colours you've chosen. 7 months is a lot of work!! i hope briana is very very appreciative!
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