Making : lots of things, in the kitchen and craft-wise too. maybe i'll have to share a bit of creativity next week...
Cooking : quite a bit, there's bread proving on the bench, i've all the makings for a stock, and some thoughts on what to cook to accompany the asian style pork belly we've got planned for dinner are ticking away in my brain.
Drinking : a hot chocolate. treating myself while i sit and type in the relative calm of NOT home.
Reading : actual books! would you believe it? i've just finished 'fight like a girl' which was quite thought provoking and eye opening and stimulating. and i'm just about to start on 'big little lies' after being recommended it by a friend.
Trawling : facebook a bit too often... i think i talked about this last 'taking stock' too, but haven't done a thing about it. deleting the app now!
Wanting : a few more hours sleep. i think this will definitely be my default for the next few years he he.
Looking : at instagram a little less these days, that might change now i've deleted the facebook app though! hopefully not though, it's nice to check in and out without feeling like i need to see every single post which was my default for an embarrassingly long time.
Deciding : on some big picture things at the moment. work-wise, life-wise, it's all up in the air... that would normally terrify me but i'm dealing with the unknown better than i would've thought.
Wishing : people could be a little kinder to one another. it would sure solve a lot of heartache on a global scale don't you think?
Enjoying : not having to stress about money too much at the moment. and letting go of the stress when it crops up...
Waiting : for some images to load. one thing that is not great about country life, internet speed.
Liking : that even though the internet is a bit slow, there's lots to look at while i wait. bees buzzing, birds chirping. the complaints list about this country life is a short one, that's for sure
Wondering : if i know someone local that has a tomato machine i could borrow for a couple of days... i have a hankering to get busy saucing some of the mountains of tomatoes we have around us, but don't think i have the patience to sieve them by hand like i did last year!
Loving : how the skein of wool i dyed last week is knitting up. what a tease, i'll show you more next week he he.
Pondering : what kind of socks to cast on next month... my plan to knit through my sock yarn stash by the end of the year is well on track, cranking out a pair a month!
Listening : to the birds, some sweet cafe tunes, the traffic, people's conversations and low down in the background, the ocean. bliss.
Considering : my plans for the rest of the day. i know what needs doing... but i'll be flexible and roll with what the day brings i think.
Buying : well bought... i broke the yarn buying drought when my fave yarn shop was having a sale. looking forward to picking it up this week! now, no more purchasing! at least until the end of the year. i have my eye on one of these. the perfect antidote to christmas craziness, knitting 15g of sock wool a day! crazy stripy christmas socks for the family he he.
Watching : quite a lot of netflix... we just hooked it up to our playstation, and it's super easy to watch now. we've done 'the crown' and now working our way through 'iron fist' at a rapid pace.
Hoping : for a good week!
Marvelling : at how well one can function having not gotten more than 4 hours sleep at a time for months!
Cringing : at the number of flies currently buzzing around me... they're mighty sticky today!
Needing : to stop eating so many sweets... unlikely to happen in my sleep deprived state though, think it's the only thing keeping me going he he.
Questioning : everything. a lot. there are a few issues lately i've been vacillating wildly on. think it's driving poor bb spare.
Smelling : something delicious being whipped up in the kitchen in this cafe, might need to be off soon to make some lunch!
Wearing : this! who says you can't wear handknits in the warmer months?
Noticing : how distinctly uncomfortable i was in the city last week. we were there for a couple of hours while ben went in to chat to his boss. so many people, so much hustle. just not for me anymore.
Knowing : we're in the right place for us right now. yep. it is known.
Thinking : i've been sitting for too long! my coccyx lets me know these days... boo!
Admiring : parents everywhere. making it work on the daily. it's hard work and i feel like i've got it super easy! feeling lucky!
Getting : excited to catch up with some folks i haven't seen in a while later in the week.
Bookmarking : airbnb places. hoping for a little getaway soon...
Disliking : these flies. seriously! shoo!
Opening : packets of seeds. time to get some winter seeds into pots and on their way!
Closing : the doors and windows, and then opening them again, and then closing them again. the weather has been more than a little mercurial...
Feeling : ready to pop back home and see my fellas. it's good to have a bit of time out, but equally good to chat and play.
Celebrating : easter soon i guess... looking forward to some nice family times for sure! and maybe even some catch ups with friends who are like family. my fingers are crossed!
Pretending : i'm not interested in the new seasons of terrible reality shows that have started recently... for the most part, i've convinced myself... fake it til you make it right?
Embracing : my hair at the moment. it's crazy... curly and frizzy some days, smooth and sleek on others, and the greys, well they seem to be taking over he he. definitely other things to think about at the moment, but i'm hoping to maybe do something drastic soon. we shall see!
what have you been up to lately? care to 'take stock' too? there's a blank list over on pip's post if you want to join in!
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