i've nothing but time at the moment ha ha.

Making: quite a few things actually... there's a couple of new projects on my knitting needles, which i'm hoping to share tomorrow, and i'm working on a little baby-centric sewing project too!
Cooking: and prepping all of the food. there's a few meals in the freezer pre-cooked and ready to go for when the baby comes, like bolognaise and lasagne, and then some slow-cooker go-bags too. they can just be dumped in the slow cooker at the start of the day and cook and cook, low and slow and be ready to feed us when we'll need it the most.
Drinking: lots of tea! it's been lovely to have the time to have a pot of tea. and i bought a fancy milk frother a few weeks ago too. it's nice to have warm, steamy and frothy milk with a beautiful chai. or to skip the tea all together and have a hot chocolate. i found a delicious low-gi, vegan hot chocolate mix at the source and it has been a lifesaver!
Reading: lots of books. i've been giving the local library a good work out, borrowing lots of books about natural dyeing, eating less sugar and simplifying things. it's quite lovely to have such an expanse of books at my fingertips!
Wanting: to do wayyyy more things than i have energy for at the moment. slow and steady and making compromises when i need to. phew!
Looking: around at all of the new spring growth on everything. it's pretty amazing huh?
Deciding: on names. yep. it's tricky stuff!
Wishing: my belly wasn't quite so itchy... poor skin is pretty much stretched to it's limit!
Enjoying: the thought of being able to eat whatever i feel like in the next little while. it's been a long time!
Waiting: ... sure am!
Liking: the pandora app on my phone. bb's big computer is currently down for the count so i'm 'borrowing' his speakers currently and playing nice tunes when it feels right. it's a little lovely.
Wondering: what the plan is for dinner... waiting to hear from bb as to what he is up to. i'm never not thinking about food really...
Loving: slowly reading through the new lunchlady edition while i eat breakfasts and lunches... it's so rad! seriously contemplating treating myself to a subscription...
Pondering: just what life will look like on the other side...
Listening: to dad start on some renovations in the shed next door to our house. they've been a while coming, but should look great when they're all done!
Considering: plans for the future. everything is, and has been, on go slow with the baby waiting, but next year, next year could be an interesting one...
Buying: as little as possible. we've been very lucky to get a lot of baby stuff secondhand, either free, or at a fraction of the sticker price, and that is just the way i like it! keeping our budget under control and reusing precious resources!
Watching: so much tv! lots of down time and knitting time means lots of tv time. i've managed to catch up on shameless, bust out awkward, gotten hooked on australian survivor and make a good start on homeland.
Hoping: some pals that have been going through some tough times are doing ok.
Marvelling: at how many times an hour one person can need to use the bathroom... it's a lot fyi.
Cringing: whenever i have to prick my finger. will be very happy to be rid of this nasty gestational diabetes stuff.
Needing: to keep the fire window really clean. need to see those beautiful flames to be truly cosy he he!
Questioning: everything. over and over. my poor brain is tired from running around in circles. the waiting game is driving me slightly batty i think...
Smelling: the lavender in the wee posy of flowers a friend brought with her when she came over for lunch last week. such a lovely gesture.
Wearing: mostly normal clothes... i've been very grateful to still fit into most of my wardrobe (i do miss my jeans...) and not have had to buy a whole load of maternity clothes. biggest purchases have been a few bras and singlet tops with clippy things which should help out on the breastfeeding front. phew!
Following: not a lot. not trains of thought, not conversations... baby brain is real folks.
Noticing: how dirty my glasses get constantly. super annoying!
Knowing: i should be really trying to get lots and lots of sleep... easier said than done though!
Thinking: i'll be lucky to get through this list... lots of prompts, not a lot of brain power he he.
Admiring: the efforts of those folks who are zero-waste. i'm trying to take baby steps towards that goal, but there's quite a bit of organisation needed. hoping once the baby arrives, i can get a bit of a routine happening and take some more steps towards reducing our waste more, little by little.
Getting: things tidy. well trying... the tidy up is a constant, daily task.
Bookmarking: lots of baby knitting patterns. naturally...
Coveting: a wee little dilapidated country cottage on a real estate site. i've had it open in my browser for quite a while now. i'm sure someone will buy it one day and break my poor dreaming heart, but until then, i covet, and wish, and hope he he.
Disliking: heartburn/reflux. have been copping it for about 20 weeks now and i am DONE! very much looking forward to satisfying portion sizes and sleeping soundly. well as soundly as you can with a newborn around he he.
Opening: the doors and windows when the weather allows. not this morning, but last week? the doors and windows were constantly open.
Giggling: at all of the movement going on in my abdomen. and occasionally wincing... strong little tyke in there!
Feeling: strange with the lack of control i have over certain aspects of my life at the moment. again, waiting game doing my head in a bit. everything is up in the air!
Helping: things move along with lots of long walks, sitting on my fit ball... all making me feel like i'm doing what i can.
Hearing: the radio. lots of early-mid 2000's music making me groove and putting a smile on my face.
Mixing: up lots of batches of the healthy chocolate pudding in that photo up the top there. so easy! just whizz up a banana, an avocado, a heaped teaspoon of cacao/cocoa and a date if you feel the need for a wee bit extra sweetness. i've been eating it with berries and chopped nuts or seeds AND freezing it in icy pole moulds. it is delicious!
Slicing: up paper and framing it! bb and i splashed out and spent a little of the money we were gifted for our wedding and bought frames for all of the zillion things we had put aside... there was quite the collection but now they're just about all ready to go... let the hangings commence!
Celebrating: my auntie's 60th yesterday. it was ace to catch up with lots of my cousins and a couple of my aunties and uncles. there was also delicious food and lots of cake that i snaffled a wee mouthful of. portion size is everything when it comes to affecting blood sugar levels i've found...
Forgetting: lots of things. all the time. much walking into rooms and trying to remember why i needed to be there a second ago he he!
Pretending: i can't see the cobwebs in the corners... nope, they're definitely not there!
Embracing: the little community that we have in our new home. family nice and close, and an abundance of awesome like-minded folks all around too. i've been to a few different knitting groups, have an idea of some spinning groups i'd like to check out in a few months time and have met so many lovely folks who are passionate about locally sourced food and products. it makes my heart so happy!
phew! made it!!
these lists do always test my endurance a little he he. a whole lot of introspection and thinking required.
if you want to play along too, pip has a blank list at the bottom of this post.
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