i'd heard a bit about this magazine, on different blogs, and on the suzy hausfrau podcast... so when i was purchasing a little something for myself and a friend from here, i couldn't help but throw a couple of issues into the basket too!

they arrived yesterday and i can NOT wait to get stuck into reading them!
it's only a relatively small magazine (between a4 and a5 size i think...) but it seems to be chock full of content! LOADS of knitting patterns, articles about products and i'm pretty sure i saw a recipe or two in there as well!
there's also the small fact, that it looks super pretty too! well set out and beautiful to read!
i'll definitely be taking one along to work with me to read in my lunch break!
have you read pompom magazine? what did you think?
I've never heard of it but now I'll keep an eye out for it , thanks!
I'm besotted with pompom mag too! I'm looking forward to the forthcoming edition, lots of mid-weight patterns :-)
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