this guy never fails to put a big smile on my face...

he's so great at 'helping' me make the bed...
i decided during the week, that rather than buying a new pair of shoes, to replace the ones that i had almost worn completely through, that i would take them to be repaired by a cobbler...

and i feel like i definitely made the right choice!
they weren't cheap to have repaired... but they don't need to be worn in, and i'm reusing something, rather than buying new.
he also gave them a really good polish, so they actually look a bit BETTER than they did when i bought them!
i've also SUPER enjoyed the cooler weather we've been having this week...

there's been wooly sock wearing happening...
and soup making and consuming...

this was the french onion soup, i threw into the slow-cooker before work on friday afternoon.
it was AWESOME to come home to on an ever so slightly chilly friday night. and absolutely perfect with a toasted and cheesy english muffin dunked into it!
what's been making you smile this week? do you have a helper to entertain you while you're doing chores? how's the weather where you are?
So much little bits of lovely.
Its baking here. Torally toasty.
So much lovely!
Nawwww! Sampson is a cutie! Matts usually just runs away when I'm making the bed, she doesn't like it when blankets and pillows are flying everywhere! :)
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