we spent the first part of the week eating leftovers from our australia day bbq... and then bb ended up catching up with a friend for dinner, bringing leftovers home for me, which we think made us both sick!
hopefully all is good in the coming week though...

this week's plan, is looking similar to last week's, in that i'm hoping to make lamb biryani for dinner tonight...
tomorrow night, i'll grab some bolognaise out of the freezer and cook up some pasta. easy. peasy.
wednesday night, maybe i'll try for those pork buns again huh?
thursday night, i'll make these lamb chops. i've got some chops in the freezer, and a bunch of little taters from mum's garden. i think this will go super well with a big whack of rocket salad on the side too! perfecto!
friday night, i'll be a slow-cooking. tex mex beef i think... and i'll whip up some tortillas before work to go with them. yep.
saturday night, i'm thinking maybe pizzas. they never happened last week after being sick...
and finally, sunday... roast chicken? sounds good!
i've given away trying to plan for lunches... despite my best intentions, i just can't quite plan for them properly... i think they need to be a bit more flexible ha ha!
what are you eating this week? do you plan lunches for the week? or just dinners? or neither?
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