enough talk about what's already happened... more talk about what will be happening this week! more specifically, what'll be happening in the kitchen.
tonight, i'll pop a nice bit of pork in the oven. monday night roast, it could become a thing...
for tomorrow night, there's some marinated chicken in the fridge. it'll be perfect with some fresh and crunchy salad and maybe even some brown rice.
wednesday night, we're off to a birthday party! i would imagine we'll probably get something on the way to line our tummies, it mayyyyyy be a big night...
thursday night, i think i might get out my griddle pan and cook up some steaks! it's been ages!
bb has volunteered to take care of dinner on friday night as he's planning to take friday off from work. an extra long weekend for him the lucky thing! i'm working late on friday, nothing new there, so it makes sense for him to organise food! hopefully it's something delicious and not just takeaway...
the weekend just gone, all of our plans to catch up with folks fell through, so i'm hoping we can catch up with some people for dinner on saturday! weekends are also for catching up with people ;)
on sunday afternoon, i'm heading into the city for a friend's birthday celebration. there'll be afternoon tea served so i'd put money on the fact that i'm not going to feel like eating much for dinner. maybe i'll have bread and cheese... a cheese platter for dinner never goes astray ha ha!
now i'd best drag my butt out of bed and make myself some breakfast... oh and i'd best feed my sourdough starter too!
what are you plans for dinner this week?
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