a bowl full of pasta, with roasted cherry tomatoes (from my mum's garden) and a big spoonful of lime green rocket pesto! it was delicious! just what i needed!
tomorrow night, i'll pop a little roo roast into the oven. some roasted vegies and some fresh steamed vegies. perfect!
wednesday night, i think i'll whip together a curry... there's some chicken in the fridge that needs using...
thursday night, i'll make a tomato-ey sauce with the rest of the tomatoes i came home from mum and dad's with easter weekend. and serve it with some pasta. naturally.
friday night, late night at work, i'll throw something into the slow cooker. bb's vote is this recipe. luckily my local butcher has just re-opened after renovations! huzzah!
saturday night, i'm hoping we'll be able to head out for dinner, with some friends who have been overseas! it'll be great to catch up!
plans for sunday aren't set in stone yet... i'm hoping to catch up with some other friends, potentially for lunch, potentially somewhere fabulous in the yarra valley. but these are just my hopes... we'll see what happens huh?
as for lunch plans for the week... i've got all the ingredients to make myself a yummy, spicy noodle salad to take to work for the rest of the week.
what are your plans for meals this week? making anything new? or something old that is an well-tested favourite?
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