you see, having been so busy with working, and festiveness, and more recently being a resident in germ hq (40 hours in bed, not the most productive use of time at all), any greenery that's been happening, or even just staying alive to be honest, has been entirely of it's own free will...
and in the interest of keeping it real...

this is my back yard right now. ATROCIOUS!
there are so many things not ok with this picture, the knee high grass, the struggling plants, the overgrown vines. i'm more than a little disappointed in myself.
but tomorrow, all that will change (she says hopefully). new year's day, being a public holiday, means i have the day off from work. so (weather and health permitting) i will be getting out with my power tools, my secateurs, and my watering can full of fertiliser to give this little space the time and love it deserves.
and that i deserve. it's my happy place after all.
how's your backyard looking at the moment? is it your happy place too? what are your plans for new year's day?
I got ours looking good and then the weeds grew again, so starting again with the driveway bed. It's a neverending battle, though I do have an excuse for the lawn, trying to encourage the bees with all our clover.
See, I just look at that and see a jasmine vine! Perfection!
Our backyard's looking pretty ok at the moment, my husband's been working hard on the pool, the grass in the courtyard and the hedge up the back.
However, the front yard's in need of some love...
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