it's been a big couple of weeks since getting back, and blogging has definitely fell by the way side.

watching the sun set over the ocean in robe. bliss.

happy hour. erryday. with free popcorn this particular night.

a +20,000 step day resulted in me destroying my favourite shoes. damn!

there was lots of knitting done, mostly in the car, but some balcony and tea knitting too.

we checked out grapes in the botanic gardens (we spent maaaaaany hours there, hopefully more details on that later...), and then saw heaaaaaaaps more when we drove through mclaren vale.

and how awesome is this blue lake? so many different coloured lakes about!
have you ever travelled to adelaide? or taken a ridiculously long road trip, just because?
Adelaide, Robe, MtGambier,.... some of my favourite travel spots, doing it again Oct 2015. we need to compare notes soon. Merry Christmas x
It all looks so lovely. My entire summer is about long road trips. Happy holidays, Tammy
The lake is amazing. Sounds like a great road trip.
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