i'm off to a study day this morning, so it's almost like a day off ha ha!
anyway, let's get to what we're eating this week!

tonight, i'll whip up some carbonara. i've had a hankering for it all week!
tomorrow night, i'm hoping to head down to visit my parents! they're back from their five week trip away and i can't wait to share a meal and catch up!!
wednesday night is ncb night! i'll grab something delicious while i'm there!
thursday night,will be our vego night. vegetarian biryani (sfi march '08, pg. 32) should hopefully be delicious :D
friday night, i'm working late, so the slow cooker will be doing all the work. i think i'll try general tso's chicken this week
saturday, we'd better have some fish! prosciutto and spinach wrapped fish (sfi july '08, pg. 34) should do the trick!
sunday will be roast night! it will! last night was an epic roast fail. i skipped lunch at work and bb had not organised meat to have started roasting when i got home. i ended up making a quick trip to the supermarket to get something for us to eat and ended up impulse buying all of the things.
what they say about shopping when you're hungry is true!
anywho, we will be eating a roast on sunday! i'm going to buy the meat today, and then freeze it so it won't go yucky by sunday. and i'll set myself a reminder to get it OUT of the freezer on time ;)
what are you eating this week? what's your favourite recipe to cook? do you buy inappropriate things at the supermarket when you're hungry?

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