my parents were coming over to visit (i was supposed to go down there last night, but car issues had me grounded), but before they arrived, i managed to get the back lawn mown (a job and a half! it was SO long again!) and a few bits and pieces tidied up!
i couldn't believe how much some of the things i'd planted had grown!

the beetroot i wrote about a few weeks ago, has established itself nicely. well the two plants that came up anyway...
i planted out a couple more, and you can see that one has popped up in the bottom right hand corner of the photo (it's still super tiny!) and there are some carrots planted in between the two "rows" of beetroot i've got growing that have popped up too!
the spinach that i shared way back here has grown heaps too!

i feel a bit silly for buying spinach for the prosciutto and spinach wrapped fish i've got planned for later in the week now...
i planted out some more right next to it so that i should have a bit of staggered growth happening :D
judging by the number of buds that have appeared on my strawberry plants at the moment, i should hopefully have lots of strawberries happening soon too!

the strawberry in the pot seem to be doing heaps better than those in the little planter box... i'd always intended to plant out the potted ones into another planter box once i'd seen how the first one went.
the planter box has copped a bit of pruning from the local wildlife which the plants haven't seemed to enjoy... and the only place i can put it so that it doesn't get destroyed by possums is under the eaves of the house.
i've moved it out onto the front of a different planter box. hopefully with a little bit more sun, and more rain, they'll bounce back and be just as fruitful!
what is growing in your garden at the moment? is spring helping everything grow abundantly? or is autumn winding everything down?

Hello from another Blogtoberfest participant! I love to see springtime during our fall - I don't have a yard so we container garden on the deck, and it did not do very well this summer (way, way too much rain in June). Autumn is about at its most beautiful point right now, though.
Good luck with the cushion cover, too!
Yum, look at those strawberries. Hopefully the possums stay away and you get a good feast. It's funny, when you said the local wildlife the first thing I thought of was snails. That is the local wildlife I have problems with in my garden. I've got loquats ripening on the tree at the moment and some small tomato bushes seem to be growing quite well too.
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