there is however, lots going on on my window sill to share.

shall we take a closer look??

on the weekend, mum and i replanted the tomato seedlings that i planted a few weeks ago. they're still recovering from the trip from the country i think... hopefully, when the sun comes out again, they'll bounce back without any issue :D

next door is some parsley i planted a couple of weeks ago. it has gone completely nuts! i think i might need to replant this pretty soon too so it doesn't get too leggy...

next along is the thyme i planted at the same time as the parsley. it has also gone a bit ballistic. i think i'll let the little leaves develop for a bit longer before i replant these ones though...

and last but not least, i planted some oregano at the same time as the other herbs too. apart from the chives i planted (which haven't sprouted at ALL yet!), the oregano is the slowest going... still a couple of weeks before i replant these ones at least.
it was funny while i was down in the country over the weekend, as the first thing mum and i did after our little gardening session, was to put the plants and seeds we'd potted on the windowsill!
i wonder where i get it from!?!
what's growing at your place at the moment? what quirks have you picked up from your parents?

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