in case you didn't guess by the title, it's hexie-ing!
and by that i mean, english paper piecing, using hexagon shapes.
on the way to ballarat for crafty hijinks, we made a little pitstop into millrose.
if you haven't been there before, you should! it's an amazing shop with LOTS of quilting fabric, patterns, haberdashery supplies AND wool! i could well have spent all day there, but we did have other places to be...
anywho, i digress, i couldn't leave empty handed so i picked myself up a little box, filled with 10 fat-eighths of liberty!
of course, i didn't get a picture before i started cutting into it, but i have 9 of the 10 below, made up into hexies :D

i got to work on cutting and sewing almost right away, well after some chatting, and a scone and some more chatting...
and after having a little practice run with the little kit that bec had put together.
she was kind enough to do a little demonstration to show everyone how to hexie, but i was already hooked by that stage!

brianna had been on a spotty run and picked me up some papers, as well as a template to help cut the fabric to the right size. what a legend!

i've been working on them all week, mostly at night while blobbing out on the couch. they're the perfect crafty activity for couch blobbing, as long as you keep track of your needles. stray needles in the couch do not make for comfortable reclining!

since i've made a good start, i have grand intentions. quilt intentions. i guess we'll wait and see how that goes...
my plan is to use lots of different florals (not just liberty, that could get pricey!) and i've got some on the way to me now! i bought a fat quarter of each of the florals in the ballarat patchwork online store. emma is closing the store down at the end of the week and everything is half price!
do you have grand crafty intentions too? do you hexie? if not, would you like to?
My mum has one of these that she started in the 70s but never finished! One day I might have to get hold of it and finish it off!
loving your baby hexagons ... i'm working on a few from last Sunday as well but only something small i think ...xo
I'm in desperate need of some couch blobbing... me thinks I might get out my piecing stuff and make some hexies... or maybe penties...
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