and i got a few things done!
i got my bamcal squares caught up and joined.
i also got knitting some more on my reversible wrap...

and then i ran out of wool... time for a(nother) visit over here...
i also knitted a scarf, and a tea cosy, and made a start on my super secret hen's party sewing
but now, for

happy blogtoberfest! a festival of bloggy goodness, this year hosted by the lovely kat!
you can pop over and sign up any time! the more the merrier!
today, day one, kat has suggested setting an intention...
my intention is to get my blog on, every day, for 31 days :D and to discover some new to me blogs :D
cheers to that!

i do of course have some other goals for october...
i want to get some seedies planted. beans and corn and basil need to start happening i think!
i also want to try this. i looooooove sweet potato!
i've also got some painting to get done, the remaining kitchen cupboards... and some unfinished pine side tables we bought recently from ikea...
i intend to make a start on the long promised jumper for bb, and maybe even get my reversible wrap finished finally!
oh and my bamcal squares, can't forget about them!
phew! that'll do for now i think!!
what are you up to this month?
are you joining in with blogtoberfest this year?

Yes I'm joining in with blogtoberfest too! I am looking forward to seeing some of your creation. :)!
Im in too ;) good luck to blogging every day and finishing some things on your list!!!
I'm in! Your list is very comprehensive, mine is still taking shape...
I'm looking forward to seeing your finished projects.
Don't get too distracted when you visit over there... more wool than I needed came last week.
Lots of plans for this month - good luck with all of them.
hmmm... thanks for the sweet potato link there. I will have to give it to hubby! lol Thanks for the other links to crafty pleasure for me to read!
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