i wish i was even joking about that but it's completely true!
i cooked monday night, and bb cooked over the weekend, and it was takeaway for every other night!
poor form!!
definitely back on the wagon this week though... well kinda... i must admit, i've only put this meal plan together in the last hour or so. while eating dinner tonight...
still counts!

tonight, i cooked up some delicious lamb loin chops from our local butcher! they were fab with some steamed beans and wilted bok choy, tossed in some black bean sauce.
oh and we ate outside! i love nights like tonight :D
tomorrow night, date night, bb and i will head out to the new mexican restaurant that has opened in our 'hood. yes, i just said 'hood.
wednesday night is ncb night. i'm thinking a curry before this lady and i head out will go down a treat!
for thursday, i think i'll get some fresh salmon from the fish place near work. should be delish with a cold soba salad, featuring a whole lotta greens and a little bit of spice. yum!
friday night, i'm working late again. cashew chicken in the slow cooker. big fat yes to that!
saturday, i'll let bb take care of. i'm at work and he's at home all day. no brainer ha ha!
maybe i'll encourage him to make up a big pot of bolognaise. he makes the BEST bolognaise AND it'll mean that we have stocks in the freezer again.
we had our last container of it from the freezer on the weekend, and i do quite like having it to fall back on, on days when my heart just isn't in preparing complex stuff!
sunday, we'll both be home together, so i'm hoping to get a bit of grocery shopping done (for the week ahead ;D) and hopefully we'll find some inspiration at the butchers...
what are your plans for the week ahead? cooked anything delicious lately?
the home of meal planning monday

1 comment:
Ha - oh love, I reckon we both posted at the same time - SNAP! I'm having a very similar lot of meals to you, spooky. Have a great week x
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