from the very beginning of the hen's night plans, i had some very definite ideas of what i wanted to do! i knew i wanted to make some handmade bits and pieces for the guests (and bride) to take home and be able to use...
AND i wanted everything to match!
first thing to do, was to head to spotlight and find an appropriate patterned cotton (or similar), with enough metre-age and at the right price...
following that, i scanned the fabric, and set to making invitations featuring it!
then came some maths, some cutting, and MUCH sewing!
a planning afternoon saw a pattern made for a simple tote, to serve as a goody bag...

which i kindly left, for the sister and mother of the bride to finish off. they did a fabulous job!
i then got to planning for a little special something for all of the goody bags...

a teeny sewing kit!
i used some skills i picked up on a previous project (which i still haven't blogged about... stay tuned for that one!), to apply to this!
i'm pretty happy with how these turned out, considering i pretty much just made them up as i went!
the final little bits and pieces to go into the bag, we originally had just loose in the bag, but thinking about it at midnight the night before... i came up with this idea...

i sealed the little bits and pieces into cellophane bags with little slips of paper: "refresh", with a few mints, "re-energise", with some lollies, and "recover", with a couple of panadol and a berocca.
and of course, i sealed them with some sewing on my machine :D
i was super keen to get these couple of things done, as i felt they were a fair representation of the bride, a keen quilter and crafter :D
what secret crafting have you been up to lately??

what thoughtful ideas :) sounds like it was a blast.
i am sure she loved it all ... so nice to have now met the 'bride' ... looking forward to hearing more crafty wedding planning news etc!
Such lovely pressies for us. Thankyou sooooo much!
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