bb and i are in a fairly nice financial situation at the moment, so it makes sense that we could donate to some charities!
one that i definitely wanted to get involved with, was kiva.
the idea behind this one is that you don't actually donate, but loan money to someone towards a project that will make their (and generally their community) a bit better off!
you even get to choose where your loan is going and read up on the intentions of the person. very cool!
pop over here to have a read and maybe even make a loan yourself!
i've also been following lexi's quest to wear a dress everyday and raise money for ovarian cancer research. she calls it frocktober.
her posts are tres entertaining, as are her daughter, tiny's, many and varied poses!
pop over here if you'd like to pledge something towards the cause.
i've also been following the goings on over at let's get maybelle to the ellen show and there's lots happening! auctions, special products and a website!
very cool!
have you been supporting any charities recently?
which are your favourites to support?

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