i wasn't visiting anyone, i had no where to be, i just had a little itch to visit the magical back room of the bendigo woollen mills.
i did go there with a specific purpose in mind, some yarn i had to grab some more of for a special purpose (which i'll share in the next few days...), but i also picked up some BARGAINS!
ie. wool i didn't really need per se... but was too good of a price to go past!
first up, some remnants...

which should be perfect for adding to my mitred square blankie...
and some scraps...

which i did buy a bag of last time, and i haven't really touched... but one day i'll get around to it, and look, now i have more when i do!
these little bags of remnants and scraps were only $1 a piece so i definitely felt i could justify them.
this lovely denim coloured 8ply, with the tweedy fleck just JUMPED into my basket. it was way too lovely to leave behind!

the 7 wee balls that i came away with come to 240g, so i should be able to whip up something nice with it! some little baby clothes easily!
colonial is bendigo woollen mills newest yarn, and i was so surprised that they already had some remnants of it that i had to pick some up!

214g of mocha

220g of a nice grey.
the texture is similar to that of their classic yarn, so it definitely won't go astray.
i've already got a few ideas percolating... anyone got any spare time they can lend me?
a couple of the ladies i head to craft group with on every other wednesday have been waxing lyrically about this yarn...

"stellar" so i was pretty happy when i found a little bit hanging out in the back room. 198g to be exact. should be able to squeeze out a little project from that.
i found another nice grey to play with too. luckily as one of the ideas i've got floating around in my brain (leftovers from this scarf, i think) requires a fair bit of grey.

i picked up 3 undersized balls of this stuff, totalling to 412g. definitely enough to get done what's going round and round in my brain.
it'll just be interesting to see how it knits up, i've never used this yarn before!
and finally, one little ball of luxury.

they are normally 200g a pop, so at 110g, this is pretty tiny!
i'm thinking it will be perfect to whip myself up a nice beanie though.
i am in LOVE with this colour too! it was one of the colours i used in my granny stripe!
so i picked up all of these little bundles of wool, at a fraction of the sticker price of the full balls. such bargains!
are you a bargain yarn shopper? where are you favourite places to buy yarn?
...a little jealous right now!
hahahahaha we were there today and i was complaining that there weren't many bargains to be found. maybe you because you got there before us. looks like you've got yourself some gorgeous wool. happy knitting. xx
BARGAINS!! Always a fun trip, going to the Mill back room - you never know what treasures you'll find :-)
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