so those big plans i was banging on about yesterday...
well, this is it!
after thinking and planning and thinking and thinking... i've finally opened an etsy shop!
i've popped a few of the beanies in there, as well as another couple i found, HIDDEN in bb's study! i KNEW that i'd made more than i had present and accounted for!
please, please, PLEASE pop over and let me know what you think? positive or negative, i need advice :D
as well as opening up another little corner of the internets, i've been playing around with my blog design. if you're reading this post in a reader, feel free to pop over and have a look.
it's merely the start of a big overhaul i have planned, but it's started.
i have to say a MASSIVE thank-you to my awesome little brother. yesterday i dragged him over, having got him to pull some strings to get me a dslr for the afternoon, and then got him to help me design and pull together the buttons that are now gracing my side bar.
i've got a few more buttons to add, once i work out how to link to my instagram account and email... late night googling of html lessons to come ha ha!
i'm planning to pop a few more bits and bobs in my shop, over the month, i'll keep you posted!
what do you think of le makeover? any advice on selling on etsy?
Yay, well done on shop & new design!
Yay, well done on shop & new design!
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