last weeks plans came together quite well, and i'm very much looking forward to sampling all of this weeks meals :D

tonight, i'm thinking burritos! tex-mex beef in the slow cooker, some fresh salad stuff in a lovely floury tortilla. bliss
tomorrow night, date night, i'm cooking up something a little bit different... i've got pork bun plans :D
for wednesday night, i'll pop some meatballs with a spicy bbq sauce in the slow-cooker. then after a long wedensday at work, cook up a little rice and maybe even some fresh broccoli and dinner will be donesies!
thursday is my late night at work this week, so the slow cooker will be out again, this time with some caramelised pork belly. yum!
working late on thursday, means i'll be home for a friday night! unheard of! i think i'll be using the slow-cooker again though (poor overworked thing!) with another good friday night footy meal, savoury beef! with a crispy bit of pastry on top to make it a bit pie like ;) perfect!
ANOTHER weekend at home, and i've got a lovely pub type meal planned for saturday night! a nice cut of steak with a bit of green salad, some oven chips and a big dollop of garlic butter. delish!
and for sunday, who could go past a roast? variety has yet to be decided, but whatever is turns out to be (read: whatever the butcher has on special) is sure to be delicious!
what have you got planned for this week?
the home of meal planning monday
very envious. wish i could meal plan. i usually get to 4pm every day & go arghhhh, what will i cook that will only take 20min.....well done you :)
That all sounds fab!
I love my slowcooker too =)
Pork belly sounds amazing - I'm off to check out the recipe =)
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