the top drawer of the kitchen drawers is all done and the second drawer even has a coat too!
the priority this week is more painting obviously! one down, four to go!

i also have to get some housework done, i've been doing the bare minimum for a few weeks and it's all starting to build up... floors need vacuuming and mopping, there's dust covering almost every surface and the washing basket is full! and you don't want to know about the toilet...
so yep, lots of houseworking to be done!
i also have not one, but two cushion covers on the go. hopefully i can make some headway on both of them this week :D
what are your plans for the week?
Plans for the week? well I never plan it, but like you I desperately need to do some housework, only a cpl weeks to the School Hols and little Miss LJ will be here, I need to change the craft/eBay/Market Stall room back into LJ's bedroom. soon....
Isn't it lovely when you start with a plan and you make the plan happen? I think I need more '1 or 2 things' plans to REALLY get done, rather than my list of 40 things that NEVER get done. You know?! x
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