i'm doing lots of washing.
i'm making lots of spring cleaning type lists for both the inside of the house AND the outside. now if i only had the motivation to get some of them done...
i'm planning out my next crafty move now that i'm done with the baby blanket (more about that later too...)
i'm also working on framing some pictures for my feature wall idea for over our bed.
i'm organising a little crochet how-to afternoon, after promising lots of people lessons for a while...
i'm also vaccuuming and mopping the floors (excitement PLUS, i know! but if you knew just how desperately it needed doing...)
and most excitedly, i'm writing lots of blog posts, commenting on lots of blog posts, and just generally flitting about on my bran new laptop!
an amazing birthday present from my even more amazing boyfriend!
my old one was getting beyond ridiculous, i had to copy and paste a 'g' whenever i had to use one. very annoying but has made me appreciate my brand new shiny one alllllll the more. i've practically been using it wearing white gloves!
back tomorrow to share all about our little holiday!
ps. did you watch making it handmade last night on abc2? it was amazing! you can watch it here for a little bit :D
Happy Birthday! what a lovely present. I'm off on my roadtrip today, in an hour or 3 auctually... be gone a week... see you after that and put me down for the Crochet School too please♥
Ooh, very nice pressie, you lucky girl :) I watched the doco, it was great - A) to see people I knew, and B) to hear the different perspectives on the craft 'movement'.
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