i found lots of things i liked the look of (and the price of) in the warehouse sale!
like this red spotty biscuit tin and matching oven mitt...

and these bits and bobs too! a cath kidston 'kerchief, some colourful tape and some cute as a button buttons! i especially like the i <3 to knit one. so appropriate! i did buy one more thing at the sample sale as a gift for someone, but she'll have to wait til tomorrow to see!

i popped into the lark store just for a quick look but didn't leave there empty handed either... some empty seed packets! so cute and i have a special project in mind for them too...
having seen all there was to see at lark, we toddled down to the makers market. so many beautiful handmade items! i could've spent a fortune! i limited myself though to this delicious packet of brownie ends (i couldn't decide on a single flavour and this bag has ALL of them!) and a make-your-own finger puppet book for my cousin.
then it was off to the farmers market, lots of fresh and delicious produce and products. we left with some scrumptious bread, flavoured oils, cheeses and i scored some of this....
similar taste to a cider but much bubblier and a bit drier. i'll save this one for a special occasion i think :D
hope your weekend was as fabulous as mine!
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