well looking back on may, i did get my beanies done, and the test knit, well i almost did, i sent them off this afternoon! will have a proper show and tell tomorrow.
i also got my cushion done! well maybe only one, i still have lyndel's to do (don't worry, it's coming!). and yeah, that was about it for may on the crafty front...
so what does that mean for june? well i intend to finish off lea's blankie . it's almost done and i'll be taking it away with me this weekend! i'm heading off to daylesford with my lovely aunties and female cousins, a proper girly weekend away! in a complete coincidence, it happens to fall on the same weekend as the makers market and the lark sample sale! i'm very excited!
when i get back i'll definitely be getting down to those baby gifts i wanted to get started on last month, one is due VERY soon so i definitely need to get my butt into gear!
i also want to get my ripple done, FINALLY! it's been living on our bed recently as it's been so darn cold and we've had to be very careful not to wriggle too much and unravel it!
i'd also like to do some decluttering! there's little pockets forming everywhere and it's driving me to distraction!
what are your plans for june?
1 comment:
oh dont rush my cushion, I'm a very patient type♥ just get your other stuff done first. I fully understand the decluttering, I'm trying to just tidy and sort piles of purchases for eBay and Market, and ME. spare room is a mess, but I did buy some cute boxes at the Yarn place in Ashwood.
Have a great weekend
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