Saturday, October 2, 2010

tuesday treasures.

are you ready to open up the final two boxes?

both boxes contain watches! these were again given to me by my grandma, who is very generous with sharing her treasures.

and again, i'm not sure of the significance. i'm pretty sure my great- grandmother may have owned them...
they're both pretty old-school wind-up watches. and i LOVE the silver, diamondy one. i think if i get married one day, this will DEFINITELY be my something old.

heaps more tuesday treasures over at clare's craftroom.


RG said...

Just beautiful Nicole..reminds me so much of my dear Nan :-)

Brianna said...

Love the blingy one! Maybe Ben should take you out somewhere nice for dinner so you can were it sometime soon!

Unknown said...

They are both beautiful but the sparkly one is gorgeous ! Thanks so much for showing us and playing along .

manda said...

Oooh! I love old watches, these are gorgeous! I especially love the silver one too! Thanks for sharing them with us!

Melody said...

The contents of the boxes have been fascinating.

sue said...

Wonderful that you have these heirlooms - I think we take watches a bit for granted these days but at one time they were carefully saved for and often purchased for a signifigant event. Lucky you.

Unknown said...

Beautiful :) What a special thing to have.

Anonymous said...

The watches are beautiful. I love my grandmothers jewellery. Charmaine

Janice said...

They are so elegant. Beautiful gifts to receive.