Tuesday, October 12, 2010

tuesday treasures.

so my treasure this week isn't something old. it's not something i inherited, or will pass onto anyone i know.
this week my treasure is all about the greenery :D

the seeds that i planted last week, the mystery seeds, have popped out of the dirt.
do they look familiar to anyone? not me ha ha!

and also the basil i planted.

now i consider these treasures because when i see those little green bits popping out of the dirt it makes me RIDICULOUSLY HAPPY!
seriously. i run around the house like a madwoman, singing and dancing my butt off.
i screech at the boyfriend, 'baby, baby, come and LOOK! it's AMAZING!'
he half heartedly has a looks, replies with 'that's great'
and i continue to sing and dance for the rest of the day!

it's something i share with my mum, this excitement for new green things. though she's a little bit more reserved, not so much singing and dancing, just a smile :D

what's your treasure on this fine tuesday? pop in and see clare to play along.

ps. my giveaway is coming to a close VERY quickly and you should enter to be in with a chance. i'm thinking of perhaps having a second prize... so even more chances for winning :D


Janice said...

I can understand that you get so excited at the sprouting of seeds. It is such a thrill to see them grow. I wonder what your mystery seeds grow into?

Hanging Off The Wire said...

Happy Blogtoberfest! I am on a mission to comment and follow all the blogs in Blogtoberfest! Maybe you could comment and follow me as well! Cheers!

Unknown said...

Totally understand the excitement at the green , really I do !
I'm forever dragging people outside to see the bits I have grown . Thanks for showing us and playing along .

Anonymous said...

gardening is very rewarding. Charmaine

Melody said...

A fabulous treasure. Gardening is wonderful fun.

Cate Lawrence said...

well done! I love gardening myself and always have something growing despite having a bit of a black thumb...

Liz said...

I love seeing new seeds sprouting! It is exciting waiting for them to grow :)