so i decided, instead of waiting to save the money to buy the 18 million balls of wool i'm going to need to make this ripple i have in my mind, i'd buy the balls one at a time. this way it'd cost me money gradually and would build a little bit of suspense with myself AND perhaps give me some time to, you know, study for the four exams i have coming up...
so in i went to spotlight, in my hour break between shifts, to find my one little ball of wool...
but spotlight had a different idea, this is what i walked out with...

20 balls of wool (plus my one ball that i actually went in to purchase) = $21.
gotta love a wool sale :D
stay tuned to see some new pictures of the newly started ripple, if the sun ever comes out that is. iphones aren't the best for picture taking in bad lighting...
EDIT: i may have gone into spotlight again today, only intending to buy the next ball of wool for my little ripple, and found myself with another 9 or so balls in my shopping bag... oooopsies. more pictures soon.
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