the edging seemed to take me a million years (or because i had to write a 20 page report) but it's finally finished. and just in time too. i finished the edging friday night and little ivy was born on saturday at 2315. she's the cutest little thing and i love her little name, ivy. it was on my possible baby name lists. old-fashioned and one of my favourite plants.

i took the photos from mum and dads bench. see you can see my toesies, all pale and wintery.
having finished the blankie i was kind of at a loss as to what to do next. my hands were bored and i couldn't even look at new wool on account of my purse and bank accounts being sadly empty. so i thought i should get this ripple pattern down.
i found some wool that was lying around at mum and dads place and started rippling. i've used a pattern from lucy at
attic24 and after a few stuff ups and practices i managed to get a nice little ripple happening. then i realised that i'd done it wrong again and had another crack. i think i've got it this time... thinking i might make this into a scarf and hopefully by the time it's finished i'll be a bit more financial (praying for a group certificate and reasonable tax return) and be able to snap up some lovely green and blue ocean colours to get started on my dream ripple. i think it's going to be bed sized so will probably take me til this time next year to finish....
oh and i also dyed my hair. i even went to the hair dresser and everything...

i got it done about 4 weeks ago so the regrowth is getting quite unbearable... pay rent or get roots redyed? that is the question.
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