after a good night's sleep on saturday night, i woke up with a wee bit of energy. energy enough to go and get a bit of grocery shopping done, and get organised for this week. it feels GOOD!
any who, meal plan time!

for tonight, i grabbed out some chicken kievs out of the freezer yesterday. i'll mix up a whole lot of salad to go with them i think, feeling the need for some greens!
grocery shopping yielded us buying some DELICIOUS fresh veal ravioli. i think i'll keep it super simple sauce wise... a little bit of olive oil, maybe some lemon juice, a handful of spinach, and some roasted cherry tomatoes if i can be bothered/remember to pick some up from the grocer.
wednesday night, i'll find some fresh lamb at the butcher and cook it up with a myriad of vegies. sounds perfect!
thursday's dinner will be chicken from the freezer, fashioned into some kind of stirfry type number... maybe teriyaki chicken? yep!
friday night, i'll be working late. last week i made some osso bucco with meat i picked up from my local butcher (as opposed to the supermarket) and it was SO good! same again this week for sure.
saturday is the last saturday i'm due to work (after 5/6 weeks of saturdays on the trot) i'll leave it up to bb to organise dinner, and look forward to next weekend where i can spend the whole day cooking if my heart desires. can not wait!
sunday, i think i'll take advantage of having the day off by popping some pork in the oven to slow cook in the morning, so that i can pull it for lunches for the week. though that won't be dinner... for dinner we'll be popping out to a japanese place to farewell a co-worker who is moving inter-state. should be a good day all round!
what are you eating this week? where do you buy your meat (if you eat meat that is)?
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