saturday i got outside and got a whole HEAP of gardening done (more about that on wednesday of course) and when i was done outside, i got busy inside too, finishing up a couple of knitting projects.

i've been working on this baby blankie for a wee while, starting the planning back in july!
the knitting has probably only taken me a few weeks though.
i've knit baby blankies in these colours a couple of times now, and i love the combination! i feel it's super playful and fun!
this one is heading to my sister-in-law as she requested a knitted blankie to give to a friend who is expecting, but i've already got plans for the leftovers for a blankie for the shop.
my other finish was a beanie. for ME! i've knitted tonnes of beanies for everyone else, but never one for myself, so this one is all mine!

it knit up relatively quickly, i cast it on on the monday, and had it cast off on the saturday night before heading to bed! not a bad effort at all!
after my couple of finishes on saturday, i thought i'd better cast on something new... or maybe a few somethings...

this little skinny number is a scarf!
i'm knitting it lengthwise in a herringbone stitch. the rows are slooooooooow going... but the thickness is coming along. though i am nearly out of wool! oops! should be ok for the coming seasons ha ha!
this one was requested by one of bb's brothers over the weekend.
i also cast on (and finished woo!) a tension square for a cutesy little project that a family friend has requested...

i'll reveal a bit more about this project as it comes together, but i'm thinking about a tension square blankie everytime i finish one... now i just need to locate my other tension squares.
and last but not least, i've FINALLY cast on the second, too-small sock!

even though they won't fit my cousin, who they were intended for, i've found a willing co-worker with small feet!
as they're super simple, i think they'll be my mindless knitting project for the next month or so... or maybe longer... so much to knit, so little time!
what are you making at the moment? finished any projects recently? what's your finish-to-start ratio?
Oh wow you've been super-productive Nicole. My start to finish ratio is not great I have to say...! Lots of UFO's floating around my house - or hiding in tubs on a shelf!
Fortunately August has been good for finishing things around here, including some longer term projects.
Love the blanket. The chevron stripes in those pretty colours are gorgeous.
Enjoy your new projects.
Well done. I've managed a few sewn things this month. Knitting is still on the needles, best finish them :)
Gorgeous blanket, Nicole!!! And the other projects as have been busy :-)
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