boy am i excited to get outside and get my hands dirty, getting my garden into shape!

but before we get into any new stuff, let's have a little august recap!
august was all about saving some dosh this year, and we managed to save a little. not eating out all (well most) of the month, meant that bb and i were MUCH healthier in what we ate and it had some lovely consequences... a few items in my wardrobe now fit! amazing!
i also managed to run 5k, but that was about it for the goals...
i didn't manage to get my bamcal squares done or any more on my granny stripe or my reversible wrap done!
but that's ok, because september is going to be the month of getting things finished! *dun dun DUN*

my plans are to get up to date with my bamcal squares, and get them joined together on the blankie.
to get my reversible wrap done and dusted! it's not far off, just the third piece to knit and then, well, the construction. ick!
i've also got a couple of sewing projects to get done, some secret hen's party sewing, a cover for my futon and some dress repairs (replacing zips, double ick!)
a big month ahead!
what are your plans for september?
1 comment:
Got like the very positive side effect of eating in mostly.
Well done on attaining the 5k goal.
Looking forward to seeing the reversible wrap in action - I started mine today.
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